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EuroScope Setup Guide

Required Software

To use EuroScope effectively, install the following:


The recommended EuroScope version may not be the latest. The version of EuroScope recommended by VATSIM UK will be announced in the ⁠#division-announcements channel on Discord.

Installation Assistance

Watch our EuroScope Installation Video for a step-by-step version of this written guide

The UK Controller Pack includes a small program, LogonDetails.exe, which ensures your details are configured across all profiles. Use this before launching EuroScope. This setup includes login credentials for the Hoppie's ACARS network (for TELEX and CPDLC functions).
Learn more on Hoppie's ACARS.

For further support, visit the ⁠#community-help Discord channel

Working Directory

Wherever you start EuroScope from, whether it be the start menu or a shortcut, you need to ensure that it is started in the correct working directory. This is achieved by right clicking the shortcut, selecting “properties”. Under the shortcut tab, ensure the “start in” directory matches your %APPDATA%\EuroScope or other desired location such as \Documents\EuroScope. The image below shows an example.

EuroScope Working Directory

Launching EuroScope

On first launch:

  1. load EuroScope, click OTHER SET on the green bar, and uncheck Auto load last profile on startup.
  2. Restart EuroScope, it will ask you for a .prf (profile) file. The different profiles are explained below.

EuroScope Profile Selection


Profiles are tailored for different controlling positions. Stick to the suggested options as certain features are position-specific.

Profile Types

  • [Airport] SMR: For DEL/GND/TWR controllers (aerodrome control).
  • [Airport] ATM: For TWR controllers (aerodrome traffic monitor).
  • [Airport]: For APP controllers (radar/approach services).
  • Area Profiles: For CTR controllers (area control).
  • Flight Information Display: For AFIS/AGCS positions at smaller airfields.


DEL/GND controllers should use the SMR profile for their chosen airfield, while TWR controllers can combine SMR and ATM views (if available).

Customizing Layout

EuroScope instances can be repositioned by right-clicking the maximize button and allocating each instance to a screen section.

EuroScope Window Sizer EuroScope Multi WIndows

Example of SMR & ATM views on one screen

Viewing Modes and Commands

SMR Profiles

  • Surface Movement Radar: Press F1+1
  • Route Checker: Press F1+2

EuroScope SMR view

Example of the Heathrow SMR profile

EuroScope Route Checker

Example of the route checker display


SMR displays are oriented based on the control tower's position, so some layouts may appear "upside-down"—this is normal. To rotate the display facing North-up Go to Other Set -> Display Settings -> Rotate Screen -> Magnetic North

Radar & Area Profiles

  • Radar (no fixes or labels): F1+1
  • Radar (fixes displayed): F1+2
  • Radar (fixes + airspace bases): F1+3
  • Radar (fixes + names): F1+4
  • SMR Maps:
  • Heathrow: F1+5
  • Gatwick: F1+6
  • Additional SMR maps: F1+7,8,9

Use the .c or .center command to move SMR maps around ground maps.

Visibility and Runways

  • To center visibility: .vis ICAO (e.g., .vis EGLL).
  • To select active runways: Use the runway selection dialog.

Frequently Asked Questions

EuroScope is a highly customisable, yet complex program. Most features require manipulation of the command line. For a full explanation, refer to the EuroScope Wiki. EuroScope Command Line Reference.

Here are a selection of the most frequently asked questions/issues new users have.

Why do aircraft on the ground have a funny code and a purple tag?

This is an intended feature. Only Aircraft that have the correct ASSR Code will display. To show their details, you need to Target -> Acquire and click on the plane.

I've followed this guide but I don't see any aircraft

EuroScope is unable to guess which airfield you would like to observe. Try setting a visibility centre relating to your airfield of interest by entering .vis ICAO (e.g., .vis EGLL). Note: this isn't required when logged into an active controlling position.

I see aircraft but no strips in the lists

If observing, EuroScope can't determine where you are interested in. You need to select active runways. To select active runways: Use the runway selection dialog.

I can't see the tag for an aircraft on stand on the SMR

This is an intended feature. Tags will show once the aircraft is squawking correctly. If you want to see all the tags (unrealistic), under the vSMR display menu (from the grey bar), set the profile to Observer.

Whenever a controller logs on above me, my departure list and/or runway selection clears, why?

This is most prevalent to ground controllers as you don't "own" any sectors. In Other Set -> General Settings make sure Set active APT by owned sectors is deselected.

Why don't I have the full METAR at the top of the euroscope window?

When there is too much data in the METAR to fit in the box, or you have multiple METARs selected, the report is shortened to just show the key information of wind speed/direction and QNH.

I accidentally closed my METAR, how do I get it back?

type in .qd or press F2 followed by the ICAO of the airport

How can I save the EuroScope text chat

Press Ctrl+Up Arrow Key, and you'll 'grab' the previous line in the text chat down into the command line. Other SET -> Save chat to a file / Save chat to a clipboard

How can I create a flightplan for an aircraft that doesn't have one?

F1, then A (or simply type .am), then click on the aircraft.

How do I mark all message within a EuroScope chat dialog as read?

Right click the dialog title to mark all messages as read