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APC | RAF Gibraltar (LXGB)

Airspace and Provision of Air Traffic Services

Airspace in the vicinity of Gibraltar is described in General – Airspace.

Gibraltar is not assigned an RMA but may provide ATS to released inbound and outbound IFR Air Systems within Sevilla TMA Class E airspace, the Class D Sevilla TMA 5, and the Class G airspace south of the TMA. Additionally, Gibraltar may provide ATS to VFR Air System operating in Class E and G airspace and within the Class D Sevilla TMA 5, without reference to Sevilla ACC.

All Air Systems operating in Class D airspace and IFR Air Systems operating in Class E airspace are to be provided a Radar Control Service.

VFR Air Systems operating in Class E airspace and all Air Systems operating in Class G airspace are to be provided an appropriate UK FIS.

Gibraltar ATC is responsible for separating against uncoordinated Air Systems.

Coordination Procedures with Sevilla ACC

General Conditions for Acceptance of Flights

The following general conditions apply to coordination between Gibraltar ATC and Sevilla ACC:

  • Coordination of Air Systems shall take place by reference to the coordination point (COP) and in accordance with the appropriate levels specified for the relevant route.

  • Air Systems shall be considered to be maintaining the coordinated level at the transfer of control point unless climb or descent conditions have been clearly stated by use of verbal coordination.

  • If the Accepting ATS Unit cannot accept an Air System offered in accordance with the conditions specified above, it shall clearly indicate its inability and specify the conditions under which the Air System will be accepted.

  • For any proposed deviation from the conditions specified in the Letter of Agreement (eg. COP, route or level) the Transferring ATS Unit shall initiate an Approval Request using the appropriate software tool.

  • The Accepting ATS Unit shall not notify the Transferring ATS Unit that it has established ground-air communications with the transferred Air System unless specifically requested to do so. The Accepting Unit shall notify the Transferring Unit in the event that communication with the Air System is not established as expected.


At the time of writing, EuroScope ongoing coordination is the only functionality available for initiating Approval Requests. EuroScope allows Units to propose/accept amendments to either the COP or agreed level (XFL or NFL).

The >> symbol in the EuroScope Controller List identifies Units that have the capability to accept ongoing coordination requests, however, individual controllers may not have the capacity to review a request and consideration shall be given to using verbal/text coordination if the request is time sensitive.

ATS Surveillance Based Coordination Procedures


Transfer of radar identification and transfer of radar control between Gibraltar ATC and Sevilla ACC is subject to the serviceability of the respective equipment used by controllers and the VATSIM data network sufficient for necessary information exchange. Additionally, two-way communication between the two facilities should be possible. If it becomes necessary to reduce or suspend transfers of control, a 5-minute prior notification shall be observed, except in emergency situations.

Transfer of Radar Identification

Transfer of Air System identification between Gibraltar ATC and Sevilla ACC is normally performed by electronic transfer of the track data-block subject to the following conditions:

  • When discrete SSR codes are used for transfer of identification, they shall be assigned in accordance with CCAMS/ORCAM.

  • Any change of SSR code by the Accepting ATS Unit may only take place after the transfer of control point.

  • The Accepting ATS Unit shall be notified of any observed irregularity in the operation of SSR transponders.

Transfer of Radar Control

Transfer of radar control may be effected, after prior coordination, provided the minimum separation between the aircraft does not fall below 5 NM.

Transfer of Communication

The transfer of communications shall take place not later than 5 NM, and not sooner than 5 minutes before the transfer of control point.

Separation Minima

5 NM radar separation minima is to be applied by both Gibraltar ATC and Sevilla ACC.

Inbound Procedures

Agreements with Sevilla ACC

Verbal Estimates

On the VATSIM network, data is commonly exchanged between controllers electronically, therefore prior notification of arriving traffic by passing verbal estimates is normally not required. However, when required by Gibraltar ATC, Sevilla ACC shall provide arrival estimates at least 10 minutes prior to the coordination point. The following information shall be passed:

  • Callsign
  • COP
  • SSR Code
  • ETA for COP
  • Cleared Flight Level
  • Any other applicable information

Gibraltar ATC shall read this information back in full.

Air systems Inbound via PIMOS

Air Systems arriving via PIMOS shall be transferred at FL90 if the requested cruise level is FL85 or greater. Successive inbounds will be transferred at FL90, 10 NM in trail, constant or increasing. Air Systems are released for turns and descent on transfer unless otherwise coordinated by Sevilla ACC.

Air systems Inbound via LINTO

Air Systems arriving via LINTO shall be transferred at a level coordinated between Sevilla ACC and RAD. Air Systems are released for turns and descent on transfer unless otherwise coordinated by Sevilla ACC.

Instrument Approaches


Initial sequencing of Air System conducting instrument approaches is to be performed by RAD. Additionally, Air Systems conducting visual approaches will be retained by RAD until transfer to TWR once safely positioned on final approach.

Air Systems being provided with an SRA shall be positioned by RAD to an appropriate point as agreed with T/D before transfer. Civil Air Systems may penetrate LER164 provided they are established on the SRA centreline prior to entering the restricted region (they may also penetrate LER164 in the event of a missed approach); Military Air Systems must not penetrate LER164 except in an emergency.

T/D shall retain Air Systems on frequency until after landing unless the Air System reports visual with the airfield.


Range Alt / HT Phraseology
(All Aircraft, Civil, Military, SRA from 2,500)
10 2500
8.0 2400
7.5 2250
7.0 2100
6.5 1950
6.0 1800
4.0 1200 CLEARANCE
3.5 1050
3.0 920 AT Pt X/Y
900 at VDP

Approach Minima

The following minima are mandatory for both Civil and Military Air Systems:

  • SRA - 1000 ft cloud ceiling / 5 km visibility

SRA Missed Approach Procedures

In the event of a missed approach at the SRA visual decision point, the T/D controller shall provide radar vectors to the Air System that maintain horizontal clearance against the Rock. Typically, the safest option is to continue the radar circuit through the airfield overhead.

Holding Procedures

Air Systems released to RAD may be held at the following fixes. However, these holds are designated primarily for missed approach/contingency purposes and Air Systems do not normally route to these fixes. In the event that significant volumes of holding traffic are anticipated, RAD shall activate the PIMOS Contingency Procedure.

Fix Name Leg Time Inbound Course Direction Speed Available Levels
UPMUP (Contingency Hold) 1 minute 305° LEFT hand ICAO standard 3000ft - FL80 (Max level due to Class D B11 ATS route)
ODLUK (Contingency Hold) 1 Minute 075° LEFT hand ICAO standard 4000ft - FL90 (Max level due to Class D T100 ATS route)

Both holds are located in the Class G airspace south of the Sevilla TMA. However, Air Systems may temporarily penetrate the Class E TMA whilst holding. RAD must radar monitor holding Air Systems and is responsible for separation against uncoordinated Air Systems within Class E airspace.

Outbound Procedures

TWR shall obtain the ATC route clearance from Sevilla ACC for IFR Air Systems. Additionally, all IFR Air Systems are subject to release from Sevilla ACC, RAD shall obtain this release which expires after 3 minutes.

It is the responsibility of RAD to pass releases that ensure adequate separation between departing Air Systems and other Air Systems. This may be achieved by passing a “released time XX” or “released subject [preceding departure] plus X minutes” restriction. Alternatively, separation based on radar derived information may be applied between Air Systems taking off and a preceding departure or other Air System in receipt of a surveillance service provided that there is reasonable assurance the departing Air System will be identified within one mile from the end of the runway and at that time, the required separation will exist. Therefore, departing aircraft may be allocated the same/higher level than a previous departure provided the assigned heading will ensure radar separation from such other traffic (this form of separation must not be applied with Air Systems on own navigation).

The following are typical after departure instructions but may be modified as required by RAD:

Runway PIMOS Outbound LINTO Outbound
Runway 09 "Left turn visually around Gibraltar on track PIMOS" or radar heading 180° An appropriate radar heading to route clear of LER164
Runway 27 Own navigation PIMOS An appropriate radar heading to route clear of LER164

Civil Air Systems may penetrate LER164 in the vicinity of Gibraltar during the initial climb but must then route clear; Military Air Systems must not penetrate LER164 unless in an emergency.

Gibraltar RAD is responsible for the identification, validation, and verification of Mode C for all Air Systems departing Gibraltar before transfer to Sevilla ACC.

Gibraltar RAD will transfer all Air Systems inside controlled airspace to Sevilla ACC by silent handover, on own navigation to the appropriate fix, climbing to the following agreed levels:

  • PIMOS - FL80
  • LINTO - FL90

PIMOS Contingency Procedure


During events on VATSIM, traffic levels can exceed the normal capacity of Gibraltar. Exceptionally, holding at PIMOS and suspension of the standing agreement for inbounds may be required due to airfield capacity. Normally, each inbound not operating in accordance with the standing agreement would require individual coordination. On VATSIM, the following procedure is agreed to reduce the amount of individual coordination required.

RAD must coordinate with Sevilla ACC to activate this procedure as required using the phrase:


PIMOS contingency procedure

The contingency procedure shall be activated prior to holding at PIMOS.

Inbound Air Systems

During PIMOS contingency procedure operations inbound Air Systems will be transferred to RAD from Sevilla ACC level separated (lowest FL90), 10 NM in trail, constant or increasing, to facilitate possible holding.

When holding is required at PIMOS, RAD must notify Sevilla ACC who will instruct traffic to hold at PIMOS prior to transfer to RAD. Sevilla ACC will enter H/PIMOS into the track data-block scratchpad field to indicate holding instructions have been acknowledged by the Air System.

The PIMOS hold is not a published hold and inbound Air Systems must be provided the details of the hold:

Fix Name Leg Time Inbound Course Direction Speed
PIMOS 1 Minute 235° LEFT hand ICAO standard


Sevilla ACC delegates FL90-FL110 to RAD to allow for sequencing of inbound Air Systems. Air Systems holding at FL120 and above will be retained by Sevilla ACC

Air Systems are released for descent and turns on transfer of communications except that Air Systems holding at PIMOS are released for turns (to leave the hold) at FL90 and below.

Outbound Air Systems

During PIMOS contingency procedure operations, outbound Air Systems will be transferred to Sevilla ACC in accordance with the following conditions:

  • Positioned north of the Runway 09/27 extended centreline and clear of LER164,
  • Climbing to FL80,
  • On a north-easterly heading to track at least 5 NM west of the PIMOS hold – separating against Air Systems holding at PIMOS.


The assigned heading must ensure Air Systems route clear of the 8300 ft section of the Radar Vectoring Chart.

Air Systems shall be instructed to report the assigned heading to Sevilla ACC on transfer and are released for climb and turn on transfer of communication. For any turns right of track after transfer, Sevilla ACC is responsible for separation against Air Systems holding at PIMOS.