APC | RAF Brize Norton (EGVN)¶
Airspace and Provision of Air Traffic Services¶
Brize is surrounded by a Class D CTR to protect high-performance Military Air Systems during the critical stages of flight. The CTR extends from SFC to 3500 ft. The Brize ATZ is contained within the Class D CTR and extends from the SFC to 2000 ft AAL with a radius of 2.5 NM from the midpoint of Runway 07/25.
The Fairford MATZ and ATZ lie partly within the Brize CTR, assuming the Class D status of the Brize CTR where they overlap. The portions of MATZ and ATZ that lie outside the Brize CTR are Class G airspace. MATZ and ATZ Penetration Services for Fairford can be obtained from ZONE on 119.005
. The RAF Fairford MATZ extends from SFC to 3000 ft AAL, with a stub extending out to protect the Runway 27 final approach track only, extending from 1000 ft AAL to 3000 ft AAL. The Fairford ATZ extends from the Surface to 2000 ft AAL. Air Systems penetrating the MATZ and/or ATZ shall be pre-noted to Fairford TWR, who may request to work the traffic if deemed necessary.
All Air Systems operating in the Brize Class D CTR are to be provided a Radar Control Service.
All Air Systems operating in Class G airspace are to be provided an appropriate UK FIS.
Inbound Procedures¶
Brize APC provides Approach Control services for Air Systems inbound to Brize and RAF Fairford. All inbounds shall be routed towards BZN
after their final flight-planned waypoint. RAF Fairford inbounds shall not be routed direct FFA
TACAN, as it is not a terminal fix.
Air Systems with an OAT flight plan shall be pre-noted by Swanwick Mil to Brize APP, who will provide a local squawk according to the squawk code allocation plan detailed in Local SSR Code Procedures. APP may elect to work this traffic initially on 127.255
if they have known conflicting traffic, or they may ask for the Air System(s) to be transferred to DIR on 133.755
Air Systems with a GAT flight plan routing via the ATS Route Structure shall be pre-noted by London AC to APP who will provide an acceptance level that is clear of controlled airspace. As with OAT flight plans, APP may elect to work this traffic initially on 127.255
if they have known conflicting traffic, or they may ask for the Air System(s) to be transferred to DIR on 133.755
. Air Systems inbound from the ATS route network are not released for turn or further descent on transfer until they leave controlled airspace. The phrase “Identified, continue as cleared” may be used if they are still within controlled airspace. Air Systems following a GAT flight plan may retain their existing squawk on transfer.
Air Systems operating under VFR, inbound from the Open FIR shall establish initial contact with ZONE on 119.005
, who will coordinate with the appropriate APC controller and transfer them accordingly.
On initial contact, Air Systems shall state Type, persons on board, ATIS letter, requested approach type and intentions.
Air Systems inbound to Brize, regardless of flight rules, require a clearance to enter the Brize CTR. This clearance can be passed at any time prior to the Air System crossing the boundaries of the Brize CTR.
IFR inbounds are to be vectored and descended in accordance with the ATCSMAC, which can be found in the UK Mil AIP (Chart K10).
Holding Procedures¶
Holding takes place at the BZN TACAN or BZ NDB. APP is not required to inform any adjacent controllers that the hold is active but shall request that all IFR inbounds are transferred to them not below a certain level. The maximum level for holding is FL80, and the lowest holding altitude is 2800 ft. APP shall retain Air Systems that are holding, and DIR will call them on individually.
Holding Fix | Axis | Direction | Time or Distance | Speed |
BZ NDB (Rwy 07) | 279° | RIGHT Hand | 1 Minute | Max. 220 kts |
BZ NDB (Rwy 25) | 098° | RIGHT Hand | 1 Minute | Max. 220 kts |
BZN TACAN 2 DME (Rwy 07) |
278° | RIGHT Hand | 6 NM | Max. 220 kts |
BZN TACAN 3 DME (Rwy 25) |
098° | RIGHT Hand | 6 NM | Max. 220 kts |
Outbound Procedures¶
APP (for IFR departures) and ZONE (for VFR departures) must pass releases that ensure adequate separation between departing Air Systems. Releases may be given to multiple Air Systems to expedite departures in good weather conditions.
Once airborne, all Air Systems shall be identified, have their SSR code validated, and Mode C readout verified.
Air Systems operating VFR shall be transferred initially to ZONE who will coordinate onwards transfer to LARS. On pilot request, or at the discretion of the controller, the Air System shall be instructed to “Squawk Conspicuity” and freecall enroute.
IFR GAT (ATS Route Network Joiners)¶
Air Systems with IFR GAT flight plans are to be coordinated with the receiving London AC Sector. When notified by GMC of an Air System's startup, APP will provide the receiving civil sector with a pre-note, providing the aircraft’s Callsign, SID and estimated time of departure (ETD).
To | Joining Fix | Route | Level | Civil Area Sector |
West/East | CONKO | CONKO SID | ↑ FL100 | AC West |
Northwest | KISWO | NAXAT SID - DCT KISWO | ↑ FL100 until NAXAT, then ↑ FL190 | AC West |
Northeast | DTY | NAXAT SID - DCT DTY | ↑ FL100 | TC Midlands |
For outbounds via the CONKO SID, APP may pass a joining clearance to the Air System without coordination with AC West. The Air System must be transferred to AC West before it enters controlled airspace climbing FL100.
For outbounds via KISWO or DTY joining the ATS route network, individual coordination with the receiving civil sector is required once airborne. Air Systems must remain outside of controlled airspace until a joining clearance is coordinated.
Air Systems with IFR OAT flight plans, including Radar Corridor crossings, will need to be coordinated with Swanwick Mil. When notified by GMC of an Air System's startup, APP will pass the Callsign, Type, Routing, and Intentions to Swanwick Mil who shall issue a Squawk from their range, which shall then be assigned to the Air System’s flight plan once airborne.
In the absence of Swanwick Mil, the civil sector responsible for Radar Corridor crossings is to be coordinated with (see EGTT vMATS GEN
Most Air Systems will outclimb the confines of the Brize CTR fairly quickly, and an appropriate UK FIS shall be provided until the point at which they join controlled airspace. APP shall transfer the Air System to London Control no later than the boundary of controlled airspace, and shall indicate the type of UK FIS being provided using the scratchpad.
Lower Airspace Radar Service¶
Brize is the notified LARS provider in the area. LARS provides a dedicated service on 124.280
to Air Systems operating outside controlled airspace up to FL100, within 40 NM of Brize. When LARS is closed, APP assumes this responsibility.
Kemble (EGBP) RNP Approaches¶
Kemble (EGBP) has published RNP IAPs for both Runways 08 and 26. While these approaches can be conducted autonomously, Air Systems routing BUSVE – EDBIF
for the RNP Runway 26 are required to obtain a transit clearance of the Brize CTR. It is the responsibility of ZONE to issue this clearance and notify the relevant controllers, namely DIR and Fairford TWR.
It is not the responsibility of Brize APC to provide an Approach Control service to Kemble traffic. However, Brize may assist in providing LARS if requested.
Interaction with Oxford (EGTK)¶
Due to its proximity to the Brize CTR, Oxford APC must maintain close coordination with Brize APC with regards to its traffic. Oxford RAD (125.090
) will coordinate with Brize ZONE as appropriate.
When Oxford is departing Runway 19, Oxford RAD will call Brize APP for release of a pending IFR departure. Both controllers shall agree an appropriate course of action if the Oxford outbound will potentially conflict with Brize traffic.
Additionally, Oxford RAD will call Brize ZONE for a CTR crossing when an Air System is making an Instrument Approach to Runway 01. Oxford RAD will hold its traffic clear of the Brize CTR until a transit clearance has been obtained from Brize ZONE. Oxford APC/AIR shall retain inbound Air Systems on their frequency whilst they transit the Brize CTR.
Oxford’s visual circuit operates to the east of the field, and traffic should not normally penetrate the Brize CTR. If required, Oxford AIR (133.430
) shall obtain a release from Brize ZONE for circuit traffic that may infringe the Brize CTR.
During non-Radar operations at Oxford, Brize DIR may provide surveillance-based approach and departure services for Oxford where requested.
Interaction with RAF Fairford (EGVA)¶
RAF Fairford (EGVA) - hereafter referred to as Fairford – is an RAF station in Gloucestershire, which lies 9 NM Southwest of RAF Brize Norton. It has ILS approaches for both Runways 09 and 27, as well as TACAN approach procedures. Fairford is home to the Royal International Air Tattoo, the largest military air show in the world, which takes place in July every year. Outside of this, it is operated by the United States Air Force as a remote deployment airfield and hosts regular visits from B-52 long-range strategic bombers, as well as providing a European base for the U-2 high altitude reconnaissance aircraft.
During normal operations, Fairford operates as a Towered airfield, with no dedicated RAPCON (Radar Approach Control). Therefore, due to its proximity, Brize APC provides Approach Control services for Air Systems recovering to and departing from Fairford. Fairford TWR operates on 124.800
(no GND - see Note) and has a VHF ATIS which broadcasts on frequency 135.455
Fairford also has a UHF Ground frequency, but we are not currently able to simulate this on VATSIM.
As Fairford is staffed by United States Air Force personnel, pressure settings in METARs are given in Inches of Mercury (inHg). As Brize APC operates under ICAO standards, Air Systems receiving an Approach Control service into Fairford shall operate on the Brize QNH and can expect to be passed the Fairford Altimeter on first contact with Fairford TWR.
The Transition Altitude at Fairford is 3000 feet, except that portion of airspace underneath the Daventry CTA, where the Transition Altitude is 6000 feet.
All IFR departures are required to fly a SID unless otherwise coordinated with APP. All SIDs climb straight ahead for 2 NM, before intercepting an outbound radial from the FFA TACAN.
VFR departures will be instructed to leave the Fairford MATZ not above 3000 ft, routing via a specified compass direction. Conversely, pilots may request a specific, non-defined routing e.g., “on track Blakehill Farm.” Fairford TWR shall pre-note ZONE when the Air System requests start, passing Callsign, Type and Routing. If this routing will cross the Brize CTR, Fairford TWR shall obtain a transit clearance from ZONE.
Departure frequency for all Fairford IFR traffic is APP on 127.255
. VFR departures shall be transferred to ZONE on 119.005
, proceeding under their own navigation.
Fairford IFR inbounds shall be pre-noted to Fairford TWR on initial contact with Brize DIR. Brize shall provide the Callsign, Approach Type and Estimated Approach Time. Brize DIR shall subsequently call Fairford TWR with a 10 NM range check on the arriving Air System. On receipt of the 10 NM range check, Brize DIR may transfer communications to Fairford TWR. Inbounds are deemed coordinated through the small portion of the Brize Class D CTR that the Fairford approach track passes through.
VFR inbounds shall make initial contact with ZONE no later than 15 NM from Fairford, and from outside the MATZ and Brize CTR boundary. Light Air Systems and Helicopters can expect to be instructed to join the visual circuit by Fairford TWR once ZONE has transferred the traffic. High performance Air Systems can expect an initials join for the active runway, with an overhead break into the circuit.
Other coordination procedures at APC level are broadly the same as with Brize traffic. Refer to these sections for guidance.
When Fairford TWR is not available, APP provides top-down Aerodrome Control for Fairford.