GEN | Cambridge (EGSC)¶
ATC Positions¶
Callsign | Position Logon | Controller Identifier | Frequency |
Cambridge Information | EGSC_ATIS | ATIS | 134.605 |
Cambridge Tower | EGSC_TWR | ADC | 125.905 |
Cambridge Radar | EGSC_APP | RAD | 120.965 |
Cambridge Approach | EGSC_A_APP | APP | 120.965 |
Procedural Approach
Controllers may simulate non-radar procedural approach at Cambridge by logging on with the Cambridge Approach (EGSC_A_APP) position. However, the preferred position is Cambridge Radar (EGSC_APP). When simulating the unavailability of radar services, RAD must not be opened.
Cambridge is covered top-down by Stansted INT (EGSS_APP or ESSEX_APP). If neither are online, it is covered top-down in the following priority order:
Coordination Name | Position Logon | Controller Identifier | Frequency |
TC North East | LTC_NE_CTR | TCNE | 118.825 |
TC North | LTC_N_CTR | TCN | 119.780 |
TC Bandbox | LTC_CTR | TC | 135.805 |
TC East | LTC_E_CTR | TCE | 121.230 |
AC Clacton | LON_E_CTR | LE | 118.480 |
AC Central | LON_C_CTR | LC | 127.105 |
AC South Central | LON_SC_CTR | LSC | 132.605 |
AC Bandbox | LON_CTR | L | 127.830 |
Altimeter Settings Procedures¶
All arriving and departing aircraft will operate on the Cambridge QNH, except for aircraft intending to remain in the visual circuit which shall operate on the Cambridge QFE (QNH – 1 hPa).
As Cambridge is located in the vicinity of the London TMA, the Transition Altitude is 6000 ft.
From here on, unless otherwise specified, vertical references measured in feet (ft) are to be assumed as altitudes AMSL.
Aircraft operating away from Cambridge and below the Transition Altitude shall be passed the appropriate enroute pressure setting – this is the Chatham RPS for aircraft north of Cambridge and the London (Heathrow) QNH for aircraft south of Cambridge.
Runways and Instrument Approach Procedures¶
Cambridge has one runway, 05/23. When the tailwind component is less than 8 knots and the runway is dry, Runway 23 is preferred.
A CAT I ILS is available for Runway 23 (identifier I-CMG – 111.30 MHz
), including a LOC approach. Additionally, RNP and NDB (CAM – 332.5 kHz
) approaches are available for both runways.
All instrument approaches (except RNP) have both direct north and south arrivals, joining a 10 NM DME arc (I-CMG). The direct arrival from the south begins within the Stansted CTA, and as such must be coordinated with Stansted INT.
VFR Procedures¶
VFR circuits operate to the south of the airfield (Runway 23 - left hand; Runway 05 - right hand). The circuit operates at:
- Multi-engine fixed-wing - 1600 ft QFE/QNH (Pilots request)
- Single-engine fixed-wing/helicopter - 1000 ft QFE
- Poor Weather – 600 ft QFE
VFR departures are not subject to clearance due to Cambridge being situated outside of controlled airspace. ADC shall pre-note RAD with the aircraft’s requested flight information service (if not specified, assumed to be a Basic Service) and intended routing.
When traffic is holding at the CAM NDB, VFR departures shall be instructed not to climb above 2000 ft and passed traffic information relating to the hold. APC should notify ADC when holding.
VFR arrivals shall be coordinated by RAD with ADC and transferred by 5 NM or with the aerodrome in sight.
Cambridge has no published VRPs for fixed-wing traffic and pilots will typically reference local towns and (disused) aerodromes. Controllers and pilots familiar with the area may refer to two unpublished visual reference points: a wind farm 5 NM southeast; Waterbeach, a town located 3 NM north of the field.
Controllers shall avoid routing aircraft below 2000 ft within 3 NM of Cambridge City (which is situated immediately west of the aerodrome).
Local SSR Code Procedures¶
Circuit traffic shall squawk 7010
Cambridge RAD is assigned the local SSR code range 6160 - 6177
Cambridge shall use one of the two conspicuity squawks when operating as APP:
shall be assigned to VFR traffic operating on a Basic Service.6177
shall be assigned to IFR traffic operating on a Procedural Service.
Coordination with Duxford FISO - “Duxford Information”¶
Duxford Aerodrome is located 7 NM south of Cambridge and has a 2.5 NM radius ATZ up to 2000 ft. To minimise conflict between Cambridge and Duxford traffic, and to facilitate shared traffic information, Cambridge APC shall:
- Pre-note Duxford of Cambridge departures to Duxford,
- Inform Duxford of any traffic conducting an instrument approach to Runway 05,
Duxford FISO will:
- When possible, maintain a listening watch on the Cambridge RAD/APP frequency,
- Pre-note Cambridge of Duxford departures to Cambridge and advise the aircraft of the Cambridge runway in use,
- Upon receipt of any of the above notifications from Cambridge APC, pass appropriate traffic information to Cambridge APC and/or traffic on the Duxford FISO frequency.