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APC | Cambridge (EGSC)


Cambridge is located outside of controlled airspace but has a 2.5 NM radius ATZ up to 2000 ft AAL.

The London TMA lies immediately south of Cambridge. To the south-east of Cambridge, the base of CAS is FL75. To the south-west the base level is altitude 5500 ft until 9 NM on the extended centreline, where it drops further to 4500 ft – this affects Runway 23 departures via EBOTO which are restricted to 4000 ft until tracking clear of the London TMA.

Cambridge APC is not delegated any controlled airspace. Both inbounds and outbounds are typically transferred to/from Cambridge APC outside of controlled airspace and Cambridge will not routinely work traffic inside of CAS. Outbounds are instructed to "remain outside of controlled airspace" by ADC.

Controllers vectoring traffic east of the airfield should be aware of the Mildenhall (EGUN) and Lakenheath (EGUL) Combined MATZ situated 8 NM northeast of Cambridge, typically APC will coordinate with Lakenheath to obtain a MATZ penetration clearance for traffic on an instrument approach for 23, this does not need to be relayed to the pilot. Additionally, Gransden Gliding Centre is located 10 NM east of Cambridge, APC should avoid routing traffic below 4000 ft within 5 NM of it at all times.

Inbound Procedures

Inbound aircraft from the ATS route network will route via Stansted STARs to either ABBOT or LOREL.

Stansted INT will notify Cambridge APC of the traffic. APC shall pass an acceptance level (typically 4000 ft when there is no conflicting traffic), and Stansted INT will pass this level to the pilot. Traffic is to leave controlled airspace by descent on own navigation direct CAM, or on a coordinated heading.

Upon leaving controlled airspace, aircraft will be transferred to Cambridge APC.

Holding Procedures

The CAM NDB hold, situated in the airport overhead, is the primary hold for Cambridge traffic.

Fix Axis Direction Leg Time Speed Levels
CAM 244° (Runway 05)
090° (Runway 23)
RIGHT hand 1-minute Maximum 210 kts IAS 2000 ft - 6000 ft


Although the minimum holding altitude is 2000 ft, aircraft are not to typically be held below 3000 ft to permit either departures or missed approach traffic to climb to 2000 ft beneath the hold.

In the exceptional event that the CAM hold is full, APC shall coordinate with Stansted INT to delay further inbounds at either ABBOT or LOREL. Inbounds from outside controlled airspace should be delayed away from the CAM hold.

Outbound Procedures

APC is responsible for prenoting (via text coordination) Luton INT (EBOTO departures) and generating UKCP SSR codes for aircraft departing to join the ATS route network upon initial coordination from ADC.

APC is also responsible for issuing initial after departure instructions. For flights joining the ATS route network, this shall be in accordance with the ‘standard clearances’ outlined at Aerodrome Control – IFR Departure Clearances.

It is the responsibility of APC to pass releases that ensure adequate separation between departing aircraft and other aircraft. This may be achieved by passing a "released time XX" or "released subject [preceding departure] plus X minutes" restriction. Alternatively, (except for ADNAM departures) separation based on radar derived information may be applied between aircraft taking off and a preceding departure or other aircraft in receipt of a surveillance service, provided there is reasonable assurance the departing aircraft will be identified within one mile from the end of the runway and at that time, the required separation will exist. Therefore, departing aircraft may be allocated the same/higher level than a previous departure provided the assigned heading will ensure radar separation from such other traffic (this form of separation must not be applied with aircraft on own navigation).

IFR flights joining controlled airspace at ADNAM require release from Stansted FIN. APC shall obtain this release from Stansted FIN prior to issuing a release.

ADNAM departures are transferred directly to Stansted FIN after departure. Therefore, APC must take extra care when issuing releases for these outbounds and should not issue a release if there is any possibility of a conflict after departure. During periods of heavy traffic this may involve significant delay – traffic information may be passed to the pilot and, if they agree to a departure taking their own visual separation/deconfliction, then they may be released provided Stansted FIN is informed of the possible conflict and the pilot’s agreement.

IFR flights joining controlled airspace at EBOTO shall be pre-noted by APC to Luton INT and Lakenheath prior to issuing a release.

EBOTO departures shall be transferred to Luton INT, climbing to 6000 ft. Departures off Runway 23 are initially restricted to 4000 ft to mitigate against infringement of the London TMA south of Cambridge. This traffic is to be issued climb to 6000 ft once it is laterally clear of the TMA and prior to transfer to Luton INT.

APC shall use the phraseology "(Callsign), remain outside controlled airspace, contact Luton Radar 129.550" when transferring traffic to Luton INT.

Transfer to Luton INT is to be at the earliest opportunity and when clear of conflict. If this is not possible then coordination should be initiated with Luton INT.

UK Flight Information Services

APC may provide UK FIS within 40 NM of Cambridge.

Since Cambridge is situated outside of controlled airspace, aircraft are not required to contact Cambridge ATC when transiting above the ATZ.

Controllers should note the coordination requirements with Duxford FISO.