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ADC | Prestwick (EGPK)

Taxiway Restrictions

Route Restriction
Link M Aircraft of maximum weight equivalent to a B737-800 and not to be used at night or during low visibility
Link N Aircraft up to and including Code C
Link R1 Dual runway holding point – aircraft to be held parallel to Runway 30 and when instructed line-up to Runway 30 is via Runway 21


There are 11 stands available for use at the terminal on Aprons A and B. All aircraft operating from these stands shall request push and start clearance from ATC with the exception of Stands 5 and 9 which are self-manoeuvring and which only require start clearance.

IFR Departure Clearances

IFR departures joining the ATS Route network system shall be assigned a SID where possible:

Departure Runway Receiving Sector
LUCCO 1K 30 Galloway
SUMIN 1L 12 Galloway
SUDBY 1L 12 Galloway
TRN 2K 30 Galloway
TRN 2L 12 Galloway
DANUT 1K 30 ScAC West (Rathlin)
OKNOB 1L 12 ScAC West (Rathlin)


CLX4512, cleared to Luxembourg via the SUDBY 1L departure, squawk 1234.

Where an IFR aircraft is unable to follow a SID, is not intending to join the ATS Route network system, or the airport is operating on a runway without an appropriate SID the flight will be assigned an omnidirectional departures. The following routings are considered standard routings and may be issued without coordination:

Initial Fix Initial Route
TRN P600 BLACA or N652 MAC

All other routes are to be individually coordinated with INT.

Runway Omnidirectional Departure Routing
30 Climb straight ahead (304°M) to 570 feet, then turn on track. Climb to 6000 feet.
12 Climb straight ahead (124°M) to 740 feet, then turn on track. Climb to 6000 feet.
21 Climb straight ahead (206°M) to 1350 feet, then turn on track. Climb to 6000 feet.


GTHXB, cleared to Dublin via TRN P600, after departure runway 21 omnidirectional departure on track TRN, climb to altitude 6000 feet, squawk 1234.


The omnidirectional departures for Runways 12 and 30 do not incorporate noise preferential routes and all departing jet aircraft and all other aircraft of more than 12,500 kg maximum take-off weight shall also comply with the noise preferential routings:

Runway 12 - Climb straight ahead until passing I-PP/I-KK 4 DME or until passing 3000 feet.

Runway 30 - Climb straight ahead and after passing I-PP/I-KK 1 DME turn left onto track no further north than 289°M until passing 3000 feet.

The initial climb for all SID and omnidirectional departures is 6000 ft unless otherwise coordinated with INT.

Departure Releases and Separation

Standard departures (SID and standard omnidirectional) are free-flow.

INT may apply a departure check and/or request the aircraft be transferred to the INT frequency – this is typically to ensure separation against inbound traffic.

AIR shall obtain a release from INT for all non-standard departures and for non-standard departures joining the ATS Route network. INT will obtain a release from the appropriate Scottish Control sector prior to issuing a release to AIR.

To permit the calculation of the correct time interval between standard departures, aircraft are categorised into four groups, as shown in the following table:

Group 4 Group 3 Group 2 Group 1
All jet aircraft except:
- Those in Group 3
- Concorde
- Military fast jets
BAE146/Avro RJ
Citations except:
ATR variants
King Air variants

Speed Separation Notes

  1. The basic separation interval (2 minutes) is applied between types in the same group (or where the following aircraft is one group slower)
  2. An additional 1 minute is added for each successive group when the following aircraft is faster (where the resulting timed interval is excessive, the controller may coordinate an early release)
  3. The basic interval may be reduced by 1 minute when the following aircraft is two or more groups slower (however, the controller must account for wake turbulence separation)
  4. Types not in the speed table (and the subsequent aircraft) are subject to release from the appropriate radar controller.

Aircraft not included in Groups 1 to 4 are to be the subject of a separation agreed by INT.

Departure Hand-off Order

Standard departures are to be transferred to the appropriate Scottish Control sector as listed in the SID table (standard omnidirectional departures are transferred to Galloway). The top-down order is as follows:

Coordination Name Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
Galloway STC_W_CTR STW 124.825
STC Bandbox STC_CTR ST 126.300
Deancross SCO_D_CTR SD 135.855
West-Deancross SCO_WD_CTR SWD 133.875
South SCO_S_CTR SS 134.775
Bandbox SCO_CTR S 135.530
Coordination Name Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
Rathlin SCO_R_CTR SR 129.100
West SCO_W_CTR SW 132.730
West-Deancross SCO_WD_CTR SWD 133.875
Bandbox SCO_CTR S 135.530


The radiotelephony callsign is "Scottish Control" for all the above area control positions.

INT may request standard departures are transferred to the INT frequency instead of Scottish Control – this is typically to ensure separation again inbound traffic and care must be taken to ensure the pilot reads back the correct frequency.

All non-standard or individually coordinated departures (including VFR departures) are transferred to INT.