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ADC | Inverness (EGPE)

Taxiway Restrictions

Taxiway Restricted to
Between the north end of South Apron and the threshold of Runway 11 Wingspan up to but not including 36 m


Aircraft shall be parked on the North, South or SAR Aprons. Aircraft with wingspan of 36 metres or greater are limited to the South Apron.

No pushback is available at Inverness. Aircraft shall be given start clearance on stand and shall taxi off stand.

The aprons are split into different sections which may be used to specify parking where required. The Southern Apron is split into 3 areas, A, B and C (north to south). The northeastern and northwestern aprons also feature a similar split, as defined on the charts.


SHT2J taxi South Apron Bravo


WDG65 taxi North Apron and self-park

All ground movement west of holding point D is at the discretion of pilots and is not controlled by ATC.

IFR Departure Clearances

There are no SIDs at Inverness. All departures receive an ATS Route network joining clearance on stand, except those not joining the ATS Route network, who will receive a non-standard clearance from APC.

Route Initial Fix To Agreed Level Coordination Point (COP)
N560 (N) BONBY ScAC North FL110 10 NM NE of CHINN
N560 (S) GUSSI ScAC South FL120 10 NM N of INBAS
Y906 GARVA ScAC North FL100 10 NM SE of ULLAP

The initial climb shall be at least the flight level equivalent of 5600 feet EGPE QNH for all departures.

1052 – 1035 1034 – 1017 1016 – 999 998 – 981 980 – 963 962 – 946
FL50 FL55 FL60 FL65 FL70 FL75

The actual initial climb will be agreed between RAD/APP and AIR either through a temporary standing agreement or individual coordination.


LOG123A cleared to Manchester via GUSSI N560 GOW, initial climb FL55, squawk 1234

Departure Releases

AIR shall obtain a release from RAD/APP for all departures. AIR will specify the requested cruise level in the release. RAD/APP will specify the initial fix or heading to be passed as an after departure instruction and any climb restrictions below the standard initial climb.

AIR shall pass the after departure instructions and receive a correct read back before issuing take-off clearance.


EZY64TD, after departure, left turn direct GUSSI

It is the responsibility of RAD/APP to provide releases for IFR traffic that ensure separation between departing aircraft (see Approach Control – Outbound Procedures). In the absence of APP, or a controller providing radar services, aircraft may depart with a 2-minute departure interval, reduced to 1-minute when the initial route diverges by 45° or greater.

Wake turbulence separation is to be applied in accordance with MATS Part 1 (CAP 493).

Departure Hand-off Order

All departures are to be transferred to RAD/APP (122.605) once aerodrome conflictions are resolved, unless otherwise notified by APC.

In the absence of RAD/APP IFR departures are to be transferred in accordance with the following priority orders. The radiotelephony callsign is “Scottish Control” for all the below area control positions.

N560 (N) / Y906 - ScAC North

Coordination Name Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
ScAC North SCO_N_CTR SN 129.225
ScAC East SCO_E_CTR SE 121.325
ScAC Bandbox SCO_CTR S 135.530

N560 (S) - ScAC South

Coordination Name Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
ScAC South SCO_S_CTR SS 134.775
ScAC East SCO_E_CTR SE 121.325
ScAC Bandbox SCO_CTR S 135.530