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APC | Inverness (EGPE)


Inverness is situated outside of controlled airspace, but Inverness APC is delegated responsibility for the provision of ATS within the following portions of Class E airspace when radar is available:

  • Moray CTA 8 from 10 NM north of INBAS, to 10 NM northeast of CHINN – FL130 and below
  • Moray CTAs 7/8 from 10 NM southeast of ULLAP, to INS/RIMOL – FL120 and below

ATS Delegation to Inverness Radar

ATS Delegation to Inverness Radar

Inverness airport is situated adjacent to RAF Lossiemouth, to the east, and the Tain Firing Range EGD703, to the northeast. Controllers should exercise caution when in control of traffic in these areas and may be required to extend vectors.

Inbound Procedures

The following silent transfer agreements exist between Scottish Area Control (ScAC) and Inverness RAD:

Route From Agreed Level Clearance Limit Coordination Point (COP)
N560 (N) ScAC North FL120 lvl CHINN BONBY 10 NM NE of CHINN
N560 (S) ScAC South FL130 lvl NESDI GUSSI 10 NM N of INBAS
Y906 ScAC North FL110 lvl 10 NM before GARVA GARVA 10 NM SE of ULLAP

The above standing agreements are subject to the provision of a radar service by Inverness Radar.

All inbounds are assumed coordinated when radar is available and may be transferred by silent handover, unless a radar handover is requested by RAD. The following conditions apply:

  • Successive inbounds must be at least 10 NM in trail (constant or increasing).
  • Inbounds cruising below the standing agreement level must be coordinated.
  • Aircraft are released subject to outbound traffic.
  • Aircraft transferred on a heading are not released for turn until below the standing agreement level for climbing outbounds.
  • Aircraft must be transferred no earlier than the COP and between 25 and 40 NM of INS VOR.
  • Aircraft must not be cleared beyond the clearance limit (see table above) by Scottish, unless coordinated.

Overflights at or below FL130 shall be coordinated with Inverness at least 15 minutes prior to INS/RIMOL, or no less than 5 minutes before the COP.

Non-Radar Procedures

In the case that Inverness is simulating operations without radar, all inbounds will be individually coordinated between Scottish and APP. The clearance limit remains BONBY/GUSSI/GARVA unless otherwise coordinated.

Holding Procedures

Holding may take place at INS, GUSSI, BONBY and GARVA. All are separated up to and including FL100 with a maximum holding speed of 210 kts.

Inverness APC will advise both ScAC North & South of the commencement of holding at INS. Holding at GUSSI shall be coordinated with ScAC South, and at BONBY/GARVA with ScAC North.

Hold Axis Direction Time or Distance Speed
INS (23) 046° LEFT hand 1 minute -
INS (05) 238° RIGHT hand 1 minute -
BONBY 157° LEFT hand 1 minute Max 210 kts
GARVA 123° RIGHT hand 5 NM Max 210 kts
GUSSI 009° RIGHT hand 5 NM Max 210 kts

The minimum holding level at INS shall be the Flight Level equivalent of 5600 feet EGPE QNH, plus 1000 feet, as shown in the table below.

1052 – 1035 1034 – 1017 1016 – 999 998 – 981 980 – 963 962 – 946
FL60 FL65 FL70 FL75 FL80 FL85

Outbound Procedures

It is the responsibility of RAD/APP to pass releases that ensure adequate separation between departing aircraft and other aircraft. This may be achieved by passing a “released time XX” or “released subject [preceding departure] plus X minutes” restriction. Alternatively, separation based on radar derived information may be applied between aircraft taking off and a preceding departure or other aircraft in receipt of a surveillance service provided that there is reasonable assurance the departing aircraft will be identified within one mile from the end of the runway and at that time, the required separation will exist. Therefore, departing aircraft may be allocated the same/higher level than a previous departure provided the assigned heading will ensure radar separation from such other traffic (this form of separation must not be applied with aircraft on own navigation).

Inverness RAD is responsible for the identification, validation, and verification of Mode C for all aircraft departing Inverness before transfer to ScAC.

Inverness RAD will transfer departures once inside controlled airspace to ScAC by silent handover (see conditions below), when clean of all traffic being worked by Inverness and in accordance with the table below.

Departures outside controlled airspace will be coordinated individually and transferred by means of a reduced radar handover.

Route Initial Fix To Agreed Level Coordination Point (COP)
N560 (N) BONBY ScAC North FL110 10 NM NE of CHINN
N560 (S) GUSSI ScAC South FL120 10 NM N of INBAS
Y906 GARVA ScAC North FL100 10 NM SE of ULLAP

All outbounds are assumed coordinated when radar is available and may be transferred by silent handover unless a radar handover is requested by Scottish. The following conditions apply:

  • Successive outbounds must be at least 10 NM in trail (constant or increasing).
  • Outbounds cruising below the standing agreement level must be coordinated.
  • Aircraft are released subject to inbound traffic.
  • Aircraft transferred on a heading are not released for turn until above the standing agreement level for descending inbounds.
  • Aircraft must be transferred by 40 NM from INS VOR at the very latest.

UK Flight Information Services

Although not a notified LARS provider APC is encouraged, subject to controller workload, to provide a UK FIS to any traffic operation in the vicinity of the aerodrome. Lossie Departures (119.580) is the notified LARS provider in the area.