APC | Aberdeen/Dyce (EGPD)¶
Aberdeen APC is responsible for the Aberdeen CTR/CTA which extends up to FL115.
Inbound Procedures¶
The following standing agreements exist between Scottish Area Control (ScAC) and Aberdeen INT:
Route | From | Agreed Level | Transfer of Control and Communication |
P600 (SW) | ScAC South | ↓ FL120 | At or before the CTA boundary |
Via MADAD | ↓ FL120 | At or before 40 DME ADN | |
P600 (NE) | ScAC North | FL120 level ADN | At or before 40 DME ADN |
Y904 | FL90 level ADN | At or before SMOKI | |
Y905 | FL120 level ADN | At or before 35 DME ADN | |
Aberdeen INT will resolve any potential conflicts between simultaneous arrivals from the same sector descending to the same agreed/acceptance level, regardless of routing.
Successive inbounds must be at least 10 NM in trail (constant or increasing) or separated by 5 NM (constant or increasing) if on parallel/diverging headings.
Aircraft transferred to Aberdeen INT are released for descent subject to any outbound traffic. When Aberdeen descend inbounds below the agreed level, it is then their responsibility to provide separation against outbounds previously transferred.
Traffic from Class G Airspace¶
Traffic from Class G airspace shall be descended to the following levels and transferred by means of a reduced radar handover:
- From the eastern edge of Y904 clockwise to the boundary between ScAC East South/North - FL120
- From the ScAC East South/North boundary to the western edge of Y904 - FL90
Reduced radar handover format:
(Callsign), (UK FIS type), descending to (level) (heading/direct ADN), (speed).
Holding Procedures¶
Name | Axis | Direction | Minimum Hold Altitude | Leg Length | Speed |
ADN | 159° | LEFT hand | 2500 ft | 1-minute | Maximum 210 kts IAS |
DOWNI | 339° | RIGHT hand | 2500 ft | 5NM | Maximum 210 kts IAS |
ATF (Locator) | 339° | RIGHT hand | 2500 ft | 1-minute | Maximum 210 kts IAS |
ADN is the main terminal hold for inbound traffic. DOWNI and ATF are also published holds which may be used if requested by the pilot.
When holding commences, Aberdeen INT shall inform ScAC South who will, in turn, inform ScAC North. All standing agreements are then cancelled until holding ceases.
Aberdeen INT is responsible for aircraft in the hold at FL110 and below. ScAC South is responsible for the hold at FL120 and above.
For aircraft at FL110 and below, ScAC North will coordinate a level with Aberdeen INT. The aircraft must reach this level before reaching the ADN holding area unless coordinated. For aircraft at FL120 and above, ScAC North will coordinate a level with ScAC South, transferring the aircraft before they enter the ADN hold.
Outbound Procedures¶
It is the responsibility of INT to pass releases that ensure adequate separation between departing aircraft and other aircraft. This may be achieved by passing a “released time XX” or “released subject [preceding departure] plus X minutes” restriction. Alternatively, separation based on radar derived information may be applied between aircraft taking off and a preceding departure or other aircraft in receipt of a surveillance service provided that there is reasonable assurance the departing aircraft will be identified within one mile from the end of the runway and at that time, the required separation will exist. Therefore, departing aircraft may be allocated the same/higher level than a previous departure provided the assigned heading will ensure radar separation from such other traffic (this form of separation must not be applied with aircraft on own navigation).
Aberdeen INT is responsible for the identification, validation, and verification of Mode C for all aircraft departing Aberdeen before transfer to ScAC.
Aberdeen INT will transfer all departures inside controlled airspace to ScAC by silent handover, when clean of all traffic being worked by Aberdeen and in accordance with the table below. Departures outside controlled airspace will be coordinated individually and transferred by reduced radar handover.
Route | Initial Fix | To | Agreed Level | Transfer of Control and Communication |
P600 (SW) | GLESK | ScAC South | ↑FL110 | At or before the CTA boundary |
Class G (Via FRA) | ODMIX | - | As coordinated | |
Class G (Via FRA) | RIVOT | - | As coordinated | |
Via MADAD | BALID | FL110 level BALID | At or before BALID | |
P600 (NE) | LESNI | ScAC North | ↑FL110 | At or before 40 DME ADN |
Y904 | SMOKI | ↑FL80 | At or before SMOKI | |
Y905 | PETOX | ↑FL110 | At or before 35 DME ADN | |
Traffic to Class G Airspace¶
Traffic from Class G airspace shall be climbed to the following levels and transferred by reduced radar handover:
- From the eastern edge of Y904 clockwise to the boundary between ScAC East South/North - FL110
- From the ScAC East South/North boundary to the western edge of Y904 - FL80
Reduced radar handover format:
`(Callsign), (UK FIS type), descending to (level) (heading/direct XXXXX), (speed).