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GEN | Aberdeen/Dyce (EGPD)

For Richie Turnbull (1996 - 2021), Aberdeen extraordinaire, without whom this briefing would not be nearly as realistic!

ATC Positions

Callsign Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
Aberdeen Information EGPD_ATIS ATIS 121.855
Aberdeen Ground EGPD_GND GMC 121.705
Aberdeen Tower EGPD_TWR AIR 118.105
Aberdeen Radar EGPD_APP INT 119.055
Aberdeen Radar EGPD_F_APP FIN 128.305
Aberdeen Radar EGPD_H_APP HELS 134.100


Aberdeen is responsible for the provision of offshore radar services to helicopters servicing the North Sea oil rigs. In reality, Aberdeen ATC also provides remote radar services to Sumburgh (EGPB) Radar and to “Anglia Radar”, covering the southern North Sea oil rigs in the vicinity of Norwich and Humberside airports. On VATSIM, Aberdeen ATC does not provide these remote radar services – Sumburgh Radar is an individual position and assumes responsibility for offshore radar services north of 59N, Anglia Radar is not to be opened, and offshore services in the southern North Sea may be provided by either Norwich (EGSH) Radar or Humberside (EGNJ) Radar.

INT is the principal radar controller and must be open before any radar splits are opened. When operating bandboxed, controllers may elect to provide offshore services at their discretion and subject to overall traffic volume; the controlling priority is the approach radar service to traffic inbound/outbound Aberdeen.

HELS is responsible for the provision of offshore radar services in Aberdeen HELS and REBROS sectors south of 59N. This position must not be opened without INT already open. Offshore radar services are simplified on VATSIM and procedures are documented in Offshore Helicopter Procedures.


When Aberdeen ATC is closed, it is covered top-down in the following priority order:

Coordination Name Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
ScAC South SCO_S_CTR SS 134.775
ScAC East SCO_E_CTR SE 121.325
ScAC Bandbox SCO_CTR S 135.530

Altimeter Setting Procedures

All arriving and departing aircraft will operate on the Aberdeen QNH. Aircraft remaining in the visual circuit will operate on the Aberdeen QFE (QNH - 8 hPa). VFR pilots may request to operate on the Aberdeen QFE when operating within the vicinity of the Aberdeen ATZ.

The Transition Altitude is 6000 feet.

The Transition Level and Minimum Flight Level are derived in accordance with MATS Part 1 Appendix A, except that QNH 1013 hPa is treated as 'high pressure' (i.e. the minimum flight level is FL70 when the QNH is 1013 hPa).


From here on, unless otherwise specified, vertical references measured in feet are to be assumed as altitudes AMSL.

Runways and Instrument Approach Procedures

Subject to overall traffic volume, when the tailwind component is less than 5 knots, the preferential runway for departures is Runway 34 and for arrivals is Runway 16.

A CAT I ILS is available for both runways:

  • Runway 16 - 109.90 MHz - I-AX 159°.
  • Runway 34 - 109.90 MHz - I-ABD 339°.

A VOR approach is also available for both runways (identifier ADN 114.30 MHz) and an NDB approach for Runway 34 (identifier ATF 348 KHz)

Helicopter Movements

Helicopter departures and arrivals typically use Runway 16/34 and are integrated with fixed wing traffic. However, subject to the restrictions below, they may also use Runways 05/14/36 for departure and Runways 23/32 for arrival.

Departing Aircraft

Aircraft departing from Runway 05 or 14 must not proceed beyond holds D2 or A4, respectively, when traffic has been cleared to use Runway 16/34. Aircraft departing Runway 36 must not proceed beyond holds C3/D2/M5 when traffic has been cleared to use Runway 16/34. Aircraft are not permitted to use Runway 14/32 at night, except when using 14/32 to access Runway 16/34. Use of Runway 36 is also not permitted at night.

Arriving Aircraft

Arrivals may use Runways 23 and 32 during the day. Landing aircraft are expected to remain in a hover and set down on the taxiway side of holds D2 and A4 respectively. If traffic on adjacent taxiways prevents this, the aircraft shall be instructed to set down on the runway side of the holds.

Runway 23 may be used simultaneously alongside Runway 16/34 subject to the following conditions:

  • Runway 16 in use – multi-engine helicopters may land independently of movements on Runway 16, except when the reported met visibility is less than 3000 m or the cloud base is below 800 ft.
  • Runway 34 in use – cannot be used simultaneously with fixed wing aircraft landing/departing Runway 34.

Aircraft landing on Runway 23 must be instructed to remain east of E6 when traffic is using Runway 16/34.


BHL68A land 23, remain east of E6, traffic is a British Airways A320 departing Runway 16 right hand turnout, surface wind 240 at 15.

Fixed wing aircraft may also use the helicopter runways for taxiing and vacating.

VFR Procedures

VFR circuits should be not above altitude 1500 ft and take place to the west of the airfield.

VFR departures require a clearance from INT and a release prior to departure. Traffic will normally route via the Entry/Exit Lanes in the table below, not above altitude 2000 ft. Traffic routing via Stonehaven Lane when Runway 34 is in use shall be restricted to not above 1000 ft between Stonehaven and Bridge of Don to deconflict from inbounds.

Clearance is generally given in the format:


(Callsign), cleared to leave/enter controlled airspace via (VRP), (routing via the X lane), not above altitude (altitude) feet, VFR, (remaining offshore/onshore), squawk (squawk).

When multiple VFR aircraft are routing via the same lane, INT may specify an onshore/offshore restriction to deconflict aircraft. Controllers should position aircraft such that the shoreline is to the pilot’s left-hand side (i.e. the aircraft is to the right of the shoreline), unless there are overriding traffic considerations.

Aberdeen VRPs

Aberdeen VRPs

Entry/Exit Lanes

Direction Entry/Exit Point Lane Typical Altitude Restriction
S Stonehaven Stonehaven Lane Runway 16 in use: 2000 ft
Runway 34 in use: 1000 ft until/from Stonehaven, then 2000 ft until/from the Bridge of Don
SW Banchory via Loch of Skene - 2000 ft
NW Insch Inverurie Lane 2000 ft
NE Peterhead Peterhead Lane 2000 ft

Local SSR Code Procedures

Circuit traffic shall squawk 7010.

Aberdeen is assigned the local SSR code range 4250-4267. Code 4270 is the Aberdeen frequency monitoring code (listening squawk) and traffic displaying this code should be maintaining a listening watch on 119.050 (INT).

HELS shall allocate offshore traffic SSR codes in the range 2660-2677.