APC | Sumburgh (EGPB)¶
Sumburgh APC is responsible for the Sumburgh CTR/CTA which extends up to FL100. Additionally, Sumburgh APC shall provide an Aerodrome Flight Information Service to aircraft operating at Tingwall (EGET).
Sumburgh APC shall coordinate all traffic that wishes to enter the Y905 ATS Route which is in contact with Sumburgh but unknown to Scottish Area Control (ScAC) North before the traffic enters controlled airspace.
Inbound Procedures¶
The following standing agreement exists between ScAC North and RAD:
To | Via | Agreement |
EGPB and EGET | Y905 | ↓ FL130 |
All inbounds are assumed coordinated when radar is available and may be transferred by silent handover unless a radar handover is requested by RAD. The following conditions apply:
- Inbounds must be separated by either 10 NM (constant or increasing) in trail, or 5 NM (constant or increasing) for aircraft on parallel/diverging headings.
- Aircraft are released (including for turn when transferred on a heading), subject to outbound traffic.
- Aircraft may be transferred on a heading, direct WAFIL, or tactically routed outside of CAS without individual coordination (aircraft outside of CAS will be provided a Deconfliction Service unless ScAC North notifies RAD otherwise).
- RAD is responsible for separation as soon as the inbound is descended below the standing agreement level.
IFR Traffic from Class G and VFR Traffic from Class E/G Acceptance Level¶
A standard acceptance level of FL130 is also established for all other IFR traffic from Class G and VFR traffic from Class E/G airspace. Traffic descended to this level may also be transferred by silent handover.
Traffic Cruising Below the Standing Agreement/Acceptance Level¶
All other traffic inbound to Sumburgh or Tingwall cruising below the Agreed Level or Acceptance Level must be individually coordinated no later than 50 NM before WAFIL.
Traffic Inbound Tingwall¶
Traffic routing to Tingwall (EGET) shall be cleared to leave CAS, descended to a terrain safe level, and advised to report when visual with the airfield and continuing VFR. Tingwall has no IAPs and aircraft unable to continue VFR shall divert to Sumburgh.
Holding Procedures¶
Holding may take place at SUM or, alternatively and for propeller aircraft only, at GAVEL on the Y905. When holding is required at FL90 or above, RAD shall inform ScAC North and amend standing agreements as required.
Name | Axis | Direction | Minimum Hold Level | Leg Length |
SUM | 261° | LEFT hand | 2100 ft | 1-minute |
GAVEL | 008° | LEFT hand | FL110 | 4 NM |
The GAVEL hold is a conventional hold based upon VOR SUM R188/D30. It is for propeller driven aircraft only.
Outbound Procedures¶
It is the responsibility of RAD to pass releases that ensure adequate separation between departing aircraft and other aircraft. This may be achieved by passing a “released time XX” or “released subject [preceding departure] plus X minutes” restriction. Alternatively, separation based on radar derived information may be applied between aircraft taking off and a preceding departure or other aircraft in receipt of a surveillance service provided that there is reasonable assurance the departing aircraft will be identified within one mile from the end of the runway and at that time, the required separation will exist. Therefore, departing aircraft may be allocated the same/higher level than a previous departure provided the assigned heading will ensure radar separation from such other traffic (this form of separation must not be applied with aircraft on own navigation).
Sumburgh RAD is responsible for the identification, validation, and verification of Mode C for all aircraft departing Sumburgh/Tingwall before transfer to ScAC.
Sumburgh RAD will transfer all departures inside controlled airspace to ScAC by silent handover, when clean of all traffic being worked by Sumburgh and in accordance with the following agreement.
From | Via | Agreement |
EGPB and EGET | Y905 | ↑ FL120 |
All outbounds are assumed coordinated when radar is available and may be transferred by silent handover unless a radar handover is requested by ScAC North. The following conditions apply:
- Outbounds must be separated by either 10 NM (constant or increasing) in trail, or 5 NM (constant or increasing) for aircraft on parallel/diverging headings.
- Aircraft are released (including for turn when transferred on a heading), subject to inbound traffic.
- ScAC North is responsible for separation as soon as the outbound is climbed above the standing agreement level.
Traffic Cruising Below the Standing Agreement & IFR Traffic to Class G / VFR Traffic to Class E/G¶
Outbounds cruising below the standing agreement level and IFR/VFR traffic leaving CAS (including VFR traffic within Class E airspace) must be individually coordinated.
For traffic bound for the Stavanger FIR, Sumburgh may request from ScAC North to transfer the traffic directly to the Stavanger frequency following appropriate coordination.