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GEN | Sumburgh (EGPB)

ATC Positions

Callsign Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
Sumburgh Information EGPB_ATIS ATIS 125.855
Sumburgh Tower EGPB_TWR ADC 118.255
Sumburgh Radar EGPB_APP RAD 131.300


In reality, Sumburgh Radar (RAD) is provided as a remote position from Aberdeen ATC as part of the combined North Sea offshore service. On VATSIM, RAD is an individual position and Aberdeen Radar does not provide any top-down cover for Sumburgh.

Alongside an Approach Radar service to traffic inbound/outbound Sumburgh, RAD is also responsible for the provision of offshore radar services to helicopters servicing the North Sea oil rigs. Offshore radar services are simplified on VATSIM and procedures are documented in Offshore Helicopter Procedures. Controllers may elect to provide offshore services at their discretion and subject to overall traffic volume; the controlling priority is the Approach Radar service to traffic inbound/outbound Sumburgh.


Sumburgh Radar provides a top-down Aerodrome FIS service at Tingwall (EGET).


When Sumburgh ATC is closed, it is covered top-down in the following priority order:

Coordination Name Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
ScAC North SCO_N_CTR SN 129.225
ScAC East SCO_E_CTR SE 121.325
ScAC Bandbox SCO_CTR S 135.530

Altimeter Setting Procedures

All arriving and departing aircraft will operate on the Sumburgh QNH. Aircraft remaining in the visual circuit will operate on the Sumburgh QFE (QNH – 1 hPa). VFR pilots may request to operate on the Sumburgh QFE when operating within the vicinity of the Sumburgh ATZ.

The Transition Altitude is 6000 feet.

The Sumburgh Transition Level and Minimum Flight Level are derived in accordance with MATS Part 1 Appendix A, except that QNH 1013 hPa is treated as 'high pressure' (i.e. the minimum flight level is FL70 when the QNH is 1013 hPa).


From here on, unless otherwise specified, vertical references measured in feet are to be assumed as altitudes AMSL.

Runways and Instrument Approach Procedures

When the tailwind component is less than 5 knots, the preferential runway is Runway 27.

A CAT I ILS is available for Runway 27 - 108.50 MHz - I-SG 262°.

Runways 09 and 15 are served by non-precision approaches. Pilots shall be offered an RNP approach by default.

Aircraft intending to land on Runway 33 during IMC shall fly the VOR/DME 007° to aerodrome “cloud break” procedure.

Runway 15/33 is not authorised for night landings.

Helicopter Movements

Helicopter departures and arrivals are to be treated as fixed wing traffic, except during the day when VMC helicopters may depart from/make visual approaches to land on Runway 06/24. Fixed wing traffic is not permitted to operate on Runway 06/24.

Helicopter operations to/from Runway 06/24 may take place simultaneously with fixed wing operations to/from Runway 09/27 provided that appropriate traffic information is passed, and the helicopter remains south of Runway 09/27 at all times.


BHL68A, join left base Runway 24 remaining south of Runway 27 at all times, traffic is a Loganair Saab 340 on a 3-mile final to Runway 27, report final.

VFR Procedures

VFR circuits should be not above altitude 1500 feet and are variable direction subject to ATC requirements.

VFR departures require a clearance from RAD and a release prior to departure. Traffic will normally route via a compass point, not above altitude 2000 feet.


GBOLV, cleared to leave/enter controlled airspace to/from the (direction), not above altitude (altitude) feet, VFR, squawk (squawk).

Outbound/inbound helicopter clearances to leave/enter the Sumburgh CTR are documented in Offshore Helicopter Procedures.

Local SSR Code Procedures

Circuit traffic shall squawk 7010.

Sumburgh is assigned the local SSR code range 2640-2657.