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ADC | Isle of Man (EGNS)

Apron/Taxiway Restrictions

Stand 3 is self-manoeuvring. All other stands are nose-in parking requiring push-back.

Taxiway D from the D2 exit up to D1 is only suitable for aircraft of MTOW less than 2000 kg.

IFR Departures

Standard departure routes exist for most directions of flight and any non-standard routes joining the ATS route network must be agreed with APC or re-routed appropriately. ADC shall prenote (via text coordination) the receiving Area Control sector with the callsign, estimated airborne time (+/- 3 minutes) and initial ATS route at the time of start-up.

Area Control should be notified if an amended estimated or actual airborne time varies by more than 3 minutes.

Direction Route ATS Route Prenote
North MIKEL / SLYDA - -
North East DCS - -
East VANIN - -
South East KELLY (Note 1) L10 PC West (IOM)
South West IOM Y911 Antrim
North West IOM L10 Antrim

Note 1

For traffic routing KELLY to join L10 to the south east APC and ADC will agree a standard heading that will be passed to the aircraft with the ATS route network joining clearance. This is to be agreed every 2 hours or sooner if there is a significant change to the winds.

The agreed heading is at the discretion of the APC controller and should typically track towards the south of L10 (in accordance with the agreement with Area Control). This is not a requirement for Runway 08 operations to allow for deconfliction of outbounds against inbounds from the south.

Aircraft joining the ATS route network shall be cleared via the initial route with an initial climb to FL60 regardless of the direction of flight.


LOG46, cleared to Belfast-City via L10, climb FL60, squawk 4372.

Traffic routing via L10 to the south east via KELLY shall be passed the agreed heading in the initial clearance.


EZY64G, cleared to Gatwick via L10, after departure runway 26 turn left heading 140 degrees, climb FL60, squawk 6215.

IFR departures leaving controlled airspace shall be cleared to the CTR boundary and shall be allocated a Ronaldsway local SSR code and initial level following coordination with APC.

Departure Releases

A release is required from RAD 1 before every departure, at which point after departure instructions shall be amended if needed or issued if not already agreed. Ronaldsway APC can see the departure list/electronic strips and therefore may proactively issue releases or after departure instructions prior to request.

Notwithstanding that it is the responsibility of RAD 1 to provide releases for IFR traffic that ensure separation between departing aircraft (see Approach Control – Outbound Procedures), ADC shall additionally apply departure separation in accordance with the UK Harmonised Speed Table.

Group 4 Group 3 Group 2 Group 1
All jet aircraft except:
- Those in Group 3
- Concorde
- Military fast jets
BAE146/Avro RJ
Citations except:
ATR variants
King Air variants

Speed Separation Notes

  1. The basic separation interval (2 minutes) is applied between types in the same group (or where the following aircraft is one group slower)
  2. An additional 1 minute is added for each successive group when the following aircraft is faster (where the resulting timed interval is excessive, the controller may coordinate an early release)
  3. The basic interval may be reduced by 1 minute when the following aircraft is two or more groups slower (however, the controller must account for wake turbulence separation)
  4. Types not in the speed table (and the subsequent aircraft) are subject to release from the appropriate radar controller.

Where RAD 1 releases successive departures which diverge following the initial turn by 45° or more ADC may reduce the departure separation to 1 minute in accordance with MATS Part 1 (CAP 493).

Wake turbulence separation is to be applied in accordance with MATS Part 1.

Departure Hand-off Order

All departures are to be transferred to RAD 1 once aerodrome conflictions are resolved.

In the absence of APC, departures are to be transferred in accordance with the following:

Coordination Name Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
PC West MAN_W_CTR PCW 128.055
PC Bandbox MAN_CTR PC 133.200
AC Lakes LON_NW_CTR LNW 135.530
AC North LON_N_CTR LN 133.705
AC Bandbox LON_CTR L 127.830


The radiotelephony callsign is “Scottish Control” for PC positions and “London Control” for AC positions in the table above.

In the absence of any of these Area Control positions, departures to the North/North West/South West may be transferred to:

Coordination Name Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
Antrim STC_A_CTR STA 123.775
Rathlin SCO_R_CTR SR 129.100
West SCO_W_CTR SW 132.730
West-Deancross SCO_WD_CTR SWD 133.875
Bandbox SCO_CTR S 135.530


The radiotelephony callsign is “Scottish Control” for all positions in the table above.

IFR Arrivals

IFR arrivals will be transferred to ADC established on the final approach track, in the landing order. Traffic performing an approach other than ILS for 26/08 will be prenoted to ADC before establishing the final approach track, ideally by 10 NM, with the landing order clarified if not obvious from the ATM.