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APC | Isle of Man (EGNS)


Ronaldsway APC is responsible for the airspace of the Isle of Man CTR/CTA, which is considered active at any time of day when controlled. The airspace is Class D and extends to FL105, overflights at FL110 and below will be coordinated with Ronaldsway APC and control transferred as required.

Isle of Man Airspace

Isle of Man Airspace

Radar Split

RAD 2 shall operate as a final director and is responsible for final sequencing of traffic received from RAD 1 (typically transferred descending to the lowest available flight level), provision of SRAs and control of traffic conducting a missed approach.

Holding at the IOM VOR or RWY NDB must be coordinated between both radar controllers to ensure safe release of outbound traffic.

Inbound Procedures

The following standard arrival routes exist for Ronaldsway traffic. For routes inside controlled airspace, silent handover agreements exist between Area Control and Ronaldsway:

Direction Route Agreed Level From Transfer of Control Point
North MIKEL - OCAS -
North East DCS DCT IOM - OCAS -
South East L10 KELLY FL100 (See Note) PC West (IOM) 10 NM before CASEL
M146 LUSOD FL100 (See Note) PC West (IOM) 10 NM before ERDUV
South West Y911 IOM FL90 Antrim CTR Boundary
North West L10 SLYDA FL70 Antrim SLYDA


Traffic may be positioned on own navigation or on a radar heading to position north of L10.

Traffic shall be transferred in accordance with the following conditions:

  • Area Control shall achieve a minimum radar spacing of 5 NM, constant or increasing, between successive inbounds on the same route grouping.
  • Transfer of communication shall be no later than 25 DME IOM, clean of traffic not known to Ronaldsway APC.
  • Inbound aircraft are released subject to any outbound traffic and APC is responsible for separation against outbound traffic if the inbound aircraft is descended below the agreed level.
  • If Area Control has applied speed control APC shall not remove this until traffic is either descended below the agreed level or existing separation can be maintained.

APC can suspend the silent handover agreement at any time, at which point arrivals must be individually coordinated. Additionally, any aircraft which will not meet the conditions of the silent handover agreement must be coordinated.

To avoid GPWS alerts aircraft being vectored to the north of Ronaldsway shall be assigned a minimum altitude of 3000 ft until they have either passed west of IOM VOR radial 360° when vectoring for Runway 08 or have passed east of the Runway 21 extended centreline when vectoring for Runway 26 (note this does not over-rule the requirement to assign a minimum altitude of 3200 ft in that part of the SMAA within 3 NM of Snaefell).

IFR arrivals shall be transferred to ADC established on the final approach track, in the landing order. Traffic performing an approach other than ILS for 26/08 shall be prenoted to ADC before establishing the final approach track, ideally by 10 NM, with the landing order clarified if not obvious from the ATM.

Holding Procedures

Ronaldsway APC is responsible for the following holds:

Name Axis Direction Minimum/Maximum Hold Altitude Leg Length Speed
IOM 079° RIGHT hand 3000 ft - FL100 1-minute Maximum 230 kts IAS
RWY 259° (Runway 26) / 079° (Runway 08) LEFT hand (Runway 26) / RIGHT hand (Runway 08) 3000 ft - FL100 1-minute Maximum 230 kts IAS
KELLY 305° LEFT hand Lowest available flight level - FL100 1-minute Maximum 230 kts IAS
VANIN 281° RIGHT hand 3000 ft - FL100 1-minute Maximum 230 kts IAS

Aircraft holding at IOM, KELLY, MIKEL and VANIN up to and including FL100 are separated from each other. Aircraft holding at RWY are similarly separated from aircraft holding at KELLY/MIKEL/VANIN but not from IOM traffic.

Typically, inbounds from the south east are held at KELLY and all other inbounds are held at IOM. Traffic holding at KELLY above FL90 or at IOM above FL60 shall be coordinated with the relevant Area Control sector with inbound agreements amended if necessary.

IFR traffic joining from outside controlled airspace may be held at MIKEL or VANIN and shall be radar monitored to ensure they do not inadvertently enter controlled airspace.

When traffic is holding at VANIN it shall be notified to Warton Radar.

Outbound Procedures

APC is responsible for agreeing a standard heading for traffic routing L10 to the south east (see Aerodrome Control – IFR Departures).

All departures via the ATS route network are subject to release by RAD 1. ADC shall prenote the receiving Area Control sector at the time of start-up with an estimated airborne time and no further coordination is required with Area Control unless the estimate varies by more than +/- 3 minutes.

After departure instructions must be agreed at the latest by the time of release. Ronaldsway APC is able to see the departure list/electronic strips and is encouraged to pro-actively issue after departure instructions and releases to ADC.

It is the responsibility of RAD 1 to pass releases to ADC that ensure adequate separation between departing aircraft and other aircraft. This may be achieved by passing a “released time XX” or “released subject [preceding departure] plus X minutes” restriction.

Alternatively, separation based on radar derived information may be applied between aircraft taking off and a preceding departure or other aircraft in receipt of a surveillance service provided that there is reasonable assurance the departing aircraft will be identified within one mile from the end of the runway and at that time, the required separation will exist. Therefore, departing aircraft may be allocated the same/higher level than a previous departure provided the assigned heading will ensure radar separation from such other traffic (this form of separation must not be applied with aircraft on own navigation).

All ATS route network departures are subject to silent handover agreements with Area Control:

Direction Route ATS Route Agreed Level To
North East DCS Multiple - OCAS
South East KELLY L10 FL90 (Note 1) PC West (IOM)
TIMIS / INKOB Q39 FL90 (Note 2) PC West (IOM)
South West IOM Y911 FL80 Antrim
North West IOM L10 FL60 Antrim


  1. On a radar heading to position south of L10.
  2. On a radar heading to position south of L10 or own navigation on Q39 ATS Route.

Traffic shall be transferred in accordance with the following conditions:

  • APC shall achieve a minimum radar spacing of 5 NM, constant or increasing, between successive outbounds on the same route grouping.
  • Transfer of communication shall be no later than the CTR/CTA boundary clean of traffic not known to Area Control, transfer of control is coincident with transfer of communication.
  • Outbound aircraft are released subject to any inbound traffic and Area Control is responsible for separation against inbound traffic if the outbound aircraft is climbed above the agreed level.

Any aircraft which will not meet the conditions of the silent handover agreement must be coordinated.

Traffic via MIKEL/SLYDA

Departures to the north (not via L10) shall route via MIKEL/SLYDA and Ronaldsway APC shall ensure they remain outside of controlled airspace after leaving the Isle of Man CTR/CTA and ideally Ronaldsway APC shall provide a service until north of the Strangford CTA. Traffic departing the Isle of Man is not permitted to join M146/147/148 via this route and should instead plan to re-join controlled airspace at ROBOP/LIMKA.

UK Flight Information Services

Although not a notified LARS provider, APC is encouraged, subject to controller workload, to provide a UK FIS to any traffic operating in the vicinity of the Isle of Man. Responsibility for the provision of FIS is with RAD 1.