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GEN | Isle of Man (EGNS)

ATC Positions

Callsign Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
Ronaldsway Information EGNS_ATIS ATIS 123.880
Ronaldsway Tower EGNS_TWR ADC 119.005
Ronaldsway Radar EGNS_APP RAD 1 135.905
Ronaldsway Director EGNS_F_APP RAD 2 120.855
Ronaldsway Approach EGNS_A_APP APP 135.905

Ronaldsway Tower (ADC) must be open before RAD 2 can be opened.

Procedural Approach

Controllers may simulate non-radar procedural approach at Ronaldsway by logging on with the Ronaldsway Approach (EGNS_A_APP) position. However, the preferred position is Ronaldsway Radar (EGNS_APP). When simulating the unavailability of radar services, neither RAD 1 nor RAD 2 can be opened.


When Ronaldsway ATC is closed, it is covered top-down in the following priority order:

Coordination Name Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
PC West MAN_W_CTR PCW 128.055
PC Bandbox MAN_CTR PC 133.200
Lakes LON_NW_CTR LNW 135.530
AC North LON_N_CTR LN 133.705
AC Bandbox LON_CTR L 127.830

Altimeter Setting Procedures

All arriving and departing aircraft will operate on the Ronaldsway QNH, including aircraft intending to remain in the circuit. Ronaldsway QFE (QNH – 1 hPa) is available on request.

The Transition Altitude within the Ronaldsway CTR and CTA is 3000 ft.

The Transition Level and the Minimum Flight Level are derived in accordance with MATS Part 1 Appendix A. QNH 1013 hPa is considered ‘low pressure’, in line with MATS Part 1.


From here on, unless otherwise specified, vertical references measured in feet are to be assumed as altitudes AMSL.

The Isle of Man CTR/CTA lies within the Holyhead ASR which extends to the south and east. The Belfast ASR extends to the north and west of the northern shore of the Isle of Man.


High terrain exists to the north of the field, within the aerodrome circling area up to 1559 ft. The IOM VOR aerial height is 563 ft and lies at 5 NM on the approach to Runway 08.

Runways and Instrument Approach Procedures

Runway 26 is preferred when the wind is calm. Otherwise, the runway is selected to avoid a tailwind component.

Instrument traffic should preferentially land on Runway 08/26, though the shorter 03/21 may be preferable for light aircraft to minimise crosswind component. More than one runway may be declared in use simultaneously.

A CAT I ILS is available to Runway 08/26:

  • Runway 08 - 111.15 MHz - I-RH 083° (offset 3.77° north of the extended runway centreline due to equipment spacing restrictions on the aerodrome and as such has an increased minima).
  • Runway 26 - 111.15 MHz - I-RY 259°.

Additional VOR/NDB approaches are available to Runways 08 and 25, and SRAs are available to Runways 08, 26 and 03.

Low Visibility Procedures

Ronaldsway is not equipped for CAT II/III operations. However, to safeguard CAT I ILS operation, LVP are enforced when the reported horizontal visibility is less than 1500 metres, or the cloud ceiling is 200 ft or less. During LVP:

  • Conditional clearances shall not be issued
  • Runway 03/21 shall not be used
  • Aircraft shall only taxi via Taxiways A, B, C, F and L
  • Pilots shall be warned of aircraft ahead of them on the taxiway or at the holding point
  • No aircraft shall enter any ILS critical area whilst landing traffic is within 10 NM from touchdown
  • Inbound spacing shall be increased to 10 NM (6 NM may be used if there are no departures)
  • Landing traffic must have received either a landing clearance or go-around instruction by 2 NM.

ILS Critical Areas

ILS Critical Areas

VFR Procedures

Circuit traffic is typically to the south/southeast of the airfield at altitude 1000 ft, due to high terrain to the north. If using the northern side, pilots should be aware of terrain up to altitude 1559 ft. ADC shall inform APC when the circuit is active, and the direction in use. Instrument procedures from the RWY NDB for both runways descend to 2000 ft QNH on the outbound leg, therefore circuit traffic operating above 1000 ft should be coordinated with APC.

ADC is responsible for traffic within the visual circuit and operating with reference to the aerodrome or transiting the ATZ. The ATZ is established 2 NM radius around the ARP up to 2000 ft AAL. Landing VFR traffic will be coordinated with ADC and transferred with the field in sight.

VFR departure clearances should be requested from APC at any point from start-up and VFR departures are subject to release from APC.

Two VRPs are established to the north of the aerodrome at the boundary of the CTR. Peel Castle on the western coast and the town of Laxey on the eastern coast. These VRPs are approved for the radar identification of traffic via the position report method, provided the aircraft is with visual reference to the surface below a height of 3000 ft.

Traffic operating SVFR over the sea which remains west and north of Port Erin is deemed separated against traffic operating SVFR over the sea which remains east and north of Douglas Head. Additionally, this SVFR traffic to the west/east is separated against IFR traffic making both radar sequenced and procedural approaches to Runways 08/26 respectively.

Visual Reference Points

Visual Reference Points

Local SSR Code Procedures

Circuit traffic shall squawk 7010.

Ronaldsway is assigned the local SSR code range 4550-4567.

All traffic operating within Ronaldsway controlled airspace shall operate on a unique SSR code. VFR traffic shall be allocated codes 4550-4562. IFR/SVFR traffic shall be allocated codes 4563-4567.

Traffic joining/leaving the ATS route network shall operate on the UKCP generated SSR code.