APC | Southend (EGMC)¶
Airspace and Provision of Air Traffic Services¶
Southend Controller Airspace and Radar Maneuvering Area¶
Southend APC are responsible for the Southend CTR/CTA and associated Radar Manoeuvring Area (RMA) which is depicted below. Controllers should note that the RMA vertical extent differs from the CTR and CTAs. The Southend RMA sits beneath the Thames RMA and Southend APC must not allow any aircraft to enter the Thames RMA except when coordinated with TC Thames.
The EKNIV Gate is a 5 NM wide radar gate east of the fix EKNIV (see above). MC DIR shall position outbound IFR flights routing via DET on a southerly heading to track through the gate, prior to transfer to TMS DIR.
Radar Buffer¶
A radar buffer exists alongside the western Southend CTA boundary to maximise autonomous radar operation by Southend and Thames while minimising coordination requirements. It is 3 NM wide and exists between the declared base of controlled airspace and 3500 ft. This allows TC Thames to route aircraft over the buffer at 4000 ft. Aircraft operating between these levels must not be allowed to penetrate the buffer without coordination with the other unit. In the exceptional circumstance that an aircraft enters the buffer zone without prior notification to the other unit, coordination is to be effected as soon as possible.
Southend CTA-8 Delegation¶
Southend CTA-8 is Class D airspace established beneath the overlying LTMA from 3500 ft to 5500 ft. Southend APC delegates CTA-8 from 4500 ft to 5500 ft to TC Thames to aid in the tactical vectoring of their inbounds from the south.
MC RAD retains control of the entirety of CTA-8 for transiting VFR traffic and shall coordinate with TMS DIR whenever VFR traffic wishes to operate within CTA-8. Additionally, MC DIR may ‘un-delegate’ the CTA when it is required for their own traffic and they shall notify TMS DIR whenever this is required.
Shoeburyness Danger Area Complex¶
The Shoeburyness danger area complex consists of D136 and D138 A – D. They are activated by NOTAM from the surface to between 5000 – 13,000 ft (occasionally 60,000 ft) dependent on the specific danger area. When any danger area is notified as active controllers shall radar monitor flights operating in the vicinity and ensure they remain clear of any active danger area by 1 NM or 1000 ft.
Identification and SSR Validation and Verification Procedures¶
All aircraft under the control of Southend APC must be identified, the assigned SSR code validated, and Mode C return verified. Except where described below this is to be by one of the methods described in the MATS Part 1 (CAP 493). Aircraft transferred from another radar unit either by standing agreement or individual coordination are deemed to have been validated and the Mode C return verified.
Aircraft departing Southend which are automatically code-callsign converted (correlated) with the correct callsign and are not displaying a squawk error (DUPE) indicator within the track data-block are deemed identified and validated. The first radar controller working these aircraft must verify the Mode C return.
Any aircraft that does not automatically code-callsign convert, is displaying an incorrect callsign, or that is displaying a squawk error (DUPE) indicator shall be reassigned a unique code; however, for initial identification a controller may request an IDENT to avoid requiring the pilot to set a new squawk during the workload intensive departure phase.
Separation Minima¶
Southend APC controllers may apply reduced radar separation of 3 NM between aircraft provided that:
- Both aircraft are identified, and
- Both aircraft are within 40 NM of Southend, and
- If greater than 3 NM, the appropriate wake turbulence separation is applied, and
- If applied against an aircraft under the control of another agency, direct voice communication is available between the controllers, and the other agency must also be approved to apply reduced radar separation.
All London TC sectors, TC approach units (including RAF Northolt) and Farnborough APC are authorised to apply 3 NM radar separation.
Terrain and Obstacle Clearance¶
All levels allocated to IFR traffic must be in accordance with the Southend ATCSMAC.
Inbound Procedures¶
STARs Terminating at GEGMU¶
Designator | Arrival Via | Route |
STARs Terminating at SPEAR¶
Designator | Arrival Via | Route |
LISTO 1S | L612, P18, Q4, (U)Y124, Z197 | LISTO – PEDIG – ROGBI – FINMA – BOMBO – BKY – BRAIN – MAYLA – SPEAR |
Inbound Agreements¶
It is the responsibility of MC DIR to cancel standing agreement(s) in good time if it is unable to accept inbound traffic in accordance with the agreement(s).
Arrivals via GEGMU - Transfer from TC Thames (TMS DIR)¶
Southend inbounds via GEGMU are to be transferred via silent handover, descending to 6000 ft, at least 10 NM in trail constant or increasing. TMS DIR may transfer aircraft on own navigation to GEGMU or on a radar heading towards GEGMU unless MC DIR coordinates otherwise. Aircraft shall be transferred to Southend APC in good time such that MC DIR is able to provide onward instructions before the aircraft reaches GEGMU.
Traffic is released for descent but shall remain either on the STAR or on the heading assigned by TMS DIR until it has entered the Southend RMA. Traffic must be coordinated with TMS DIR if MC DIR is unable to issue descent below 6000 ft prior to GEGMU.
When traffic levels are light, and subject to Shoeburyness danger area complex activity, TMS DIR may coordinate an alternative release with MC DIR to expedite the inbound traffic through the Thames RMA.
Arrivals via SPEAR - Transfer from TC North East¶
Southend inbounds via SPEAR are to be transferred via silent handover, on a radar heading towards SABER descending to 4000 ft to be level abeam BRAIN, at least 10 NM in trail constant or increasing.
TC North East will position traffic to ensure it remains inside controlled airspace, tracking into the Southend RMA at 4000 ft whilst avoiding the Thames RMA.
Traffic below 5000 ft is released for right turn and descent provided it will be at or below 3000 ft before the SABER-LAM line (i.e. below the Thames RMA). This may require the flight to temporarily leave controlled airspace under the control of Southend APC. Otherwise, traffic is released upon entering the Southend RMA.
Holding Procedures¶
The following holds are notified for Southend inbounds:
Fix | Axis | Direction | Leg Length | Speed | Levels | Notes |
GEGMU | 263° | RIGHT hand | 1-minute | Maximum 195 kts IAS | 4000 ft - 6000 ft | Use by Southend APC at 6000 ft only by coordination with TC Thames |
SPEAR | 193° | RIGHT hand | 3.2 NM | Maximum 195 kts IAS | 4000 ft - FL70 | Not normally available for holding, use only by coordination with TC Thames and TC North East |
SND | 053° | LEFT hand | 1-minute | Maximum 185 kts IAS | 2000 ft - 3000 ft | Procedural instrument approach hold. Not normally used below 2500 ft, Category D aircraft to hold at 3000 ft |
Holding at GEGMU¶
MC DIR is responsible for the GEGMU hold between 4000 ft and 6000 ft and may hold traffic at 4000 ft and 5000 ft without coordination. The use of GEGMU at 6000 ft is subject to coordination with TMS DIR.
When MC DIR requires the use of the GEGMU hold above 5000 ft then coordination is to be effected with TMS DIR as soon as practicable after the decision is made to hold. TC Thames may deny permission to hold at GEGMU but should offer alternative action to Southend, if required. For example, retaining the aircraft within TC Thames airspace. Subsequent Southend inbounds must be held at either JACKO or GODLU under the control of TMS DIR and await ‘call on’ from MC DIR.
When the GEGMU hold is active at 6000 ft, TC Thames shall ensure traffic under its control is separated from the holding traffic.
Holding at SPEAR¶
The SPEAR hold is designated between 4000 ft – FL70. The hold is within the Thames RMA at all levels and conflicts with TC Thames inbound and outbound routes, therefore its use is restricted to exceptional circumstances.
If traffic routing via SPEAR is required to hold then MC DIR shall inform TC North East at the earliest opportunity and this traffic shall normally be re-routed by TC North East via JACKO – GEGMU. TC North East shall coordinate with TC East. Traffic can only be accepted by TC East at or above FL80 and traffic must not enter the Thames RMA without the agreement of TMS DIR. This traffic is not known traffic to TC Thames and TC East will inform TC Thames of the additional inbounds via JACKO – GEGMU. The traffic will be integrated into the JACKO – GEGMU stream and held at JACKO or GEGMU as appropriate.
If MC DIR requires the use of the SPEAR hold then approval is required by both TMS DIR and TC North East. A maximum holding level will be agreed and TC Thames and TC North East are responsible for ensuring separation for traffic under their control against any traffic holding at SPEAR. Aircraft held at SPEAR shall be at 4000 ft before leaving the hold and must do so on radar vector towards SABER to enter the Southend RMA. Ideally, descent to 3000 ft or below shall be issued at this point. Aircraft must not be turned away from SABER until fully within the Southend RMA. This procedure is to assist TC Thames and TC North East in separating against the SPEAR traffic.
Outbound Procedures¶
It is the responsibility of MC DIR to pass releases that ensure adequate separation between departing aircraft and other aircraft. This may be achieved by passing a “released time XX” or “released subject [preceding departure] plus X minutes” restriction. Alternatively, separation based on radar derived information may be applied between aircraft taking off and a preceding departure or other aircraft in receipt of a surveillance service provided that there is reasonable assurance the departing aircraft will be identified within one mile from the end of the runway and at that time, the required separation will exist. Therefore, departing aircraft may be allocated the same/higher level than other traffic provided the assigned heading will ensure radar separation from such other traffic (this form of separation must not be applied with aircraft on own navigation).
All IFR departures are cleared initially to climb to 3000 ft – this is to ensure traffic remains inside the RMA.
MC DIR is responsible for the identification, validation, and verification of Mode C for all aircraft departing Southend before transfer to London TC.
MC DIR will transfer all departures to London TC inside controlled airspace in accordance with the following agreements:
Via | To | Agreement | Positioning |
CLN | TC East | ↑ 6000 ft | Positioned on a radar heading towards, or on own navigation direct CLN |
DET | TMS DIR | 3000 ft | On a radar heading through the EKNIV Gate |
EVNAS | TC North East (see Note) |
↑ 4000 ft (see Note) |
Positioned on a radar heading, or on own navigation direct EVNAS |
Departures via EVNAS may need to be transferred to TMS DIR at 3000 ft if they have conflicting traffic - see details below. This may require aircraft to temporarily leave controlled airspace.
MC DIR must comply with the following conditions:
Departures via CLN¶
Southend departures via CLN are subject to release from TC East (release obtained by ADC).
MC DIR shall climb aircraft within the Southend RMA and then to 6000 ft only when clear of both the Thames RMA and TC North East airspace. Departures via CLN shall not enter the Thames RMA under the control of either MC DIR or TC East without prior coordination having been effected with TMS DIR.
Traffic shall be transferred to TC East by silent handover once climbing to 6000 ft and inside controlled airspace.
Departures vis DET¶
Southend departures via DET are subject to release from TMS DIR (release obtained by ADC). TMS DIR shall pre-note TC South East.
Traffic shall be transferred to TMS DIR by silent handover climbing to 3000 ft and positioned on a radar heading through the EKNIV Gate.
Departures via EVNAS¶
Southend departures via EVNAS are subject to release from TC North East (release obtained by ADC).
MC DIR must coordinate with the TC Thames controller responsible for London City departures before the aircraft is climbed above 3000 ft. When the TC Thames sectors are split this is TMS DIR for Runway 09 departures and LC DIR for Runway 27 departures.
TC Thames is responsible for ensuring separation for all Thames traffic against the Southend departure and shall agree the point at which Southend APC may climb the departure to 4000 ft.
If this is not possible due to conflicting traffic, TC Thames may elect to work the Southend departure and climb it to 4000 ft. TC Thames shall specify if the aircraft is to contact TMS DIR or LC DIR.
The Southend departure shall then be transferred to TC North East, by either MC DIR or TC Thames, climbing to 4000 ft and released for further climb.
Rochester (EGTO) IFR Outbounds¶
MC DIR is responsible for the initial control of IFR flights joining controlled airspace outbound Rochester routing via M604 northeast-bound. This traffic will join the ATS route network via the Southend RMA prior to transfer to TC East.
MC DIR is not responsible for providing an aerodrome flight information service in the absence of Rochester Information and shall only work traffic clear of the Rochester ATZ. The exception is pending IFR departures which may be passed an SSR code whilst on the ground before transfer back to UNICOM with the instruction to remain outside controlled airspace and re-contact MC DIR once airborne.
Traffic shall route either:
- DET M604 SPEAR DCT CLN L620, or
- DET M604 PAAVO Q295.
Once the aircraft starts, Rochester Information shall inform MC DIR of the pending ATS route network departure and confirm the joining fix and ETD. MC DIR shall pass Rochester Information the allocated UKCP general SSR code and the instruction to remain outside controlled airspace. MC DIR shall then prenote TC East.
Departure is subject to release from MC DIR who shall obtain a release from TC East. When the aircraft is released MC DIR shall also confirm the next frequency for Rochester Information to give the departure, 128.965
MC DIR shall identify/validate/verify the departure and provide an appropriate UK FIS before clearing the departure to join controlled airspace. MC DIR shall then coordinate transfer of control with TC East.
Rochester departures worked by MC DIR must remain clear of the Thames RMA unless coordinated. TMS DIR is responsible for the initial control of Rochester outbounds on all other routes and will ensure such traffic does not enter the Southend RMA unless coordinated.