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APC | Scilly Isles / St Mary's (EGHE)

Service Provision

VFR flights shall be provided a Basic Service.

IFR flights inbound/outbound St Mary’s shall be provided a Procedural Service (as part of the Approach Control Service) unless the pilot requests otherwise. Transit IFR flights shall be asked which service they require (Basic or Procedural) and provided the appropriate service.

Flights requesting a surveillance-based service (Traffic or Deconfliction) shall be coordinated and transferred to either Culdrose Approach or Newquay Radar however, traffic inbound to St Mary’s must be transferred no later than LANLO to enable the safe change from a surveillance-based service to a Procedural Service.

Separation Standards

There are no deemed separation standards at St Mary’s and APC controllers shall apply standard vertical or horizontal (lateral or longitudinal) separation as described in Manual of Air Traffic Services Part 1 (CAP 493) Section 1 Chapter 3.

To expedite flights controllers may authorise VMC climb or descent for traffic operating on a Procedural Service provided:

  1. Both aircraft are operating below FL100,

  2. It is during the hours of daylight,

  3. The pilot reports flying in VMC,

  4. The pilot of the aircraft climbing or descending agrees to maintain their own separation from other aircraft and the manoeuvre is agreed to by the pilot of the other aircraft, and

  5. Essential traffic information is given.

The RNP approaches at Land’s End are not deemed separated from approaches at St Mary’s.

Inbound Procedures

Inbound traffic worked by Culdrose Approach or Newquay Radar, or receiving a service from London AC West, shall typically be instructed to squawk conspicuity and free-call Land’s End ADC or APC/ADC at least 10 NM from the eastern boundary of the Land’s End RMZ. Aircraft shall provide basic flight plan details and shall be passed the latest weather information and runway in use. Routings and level restrictions shall then be passed as required.

Inbound VFR traffic is required to report passing Pendeen Lighthouse and/or St Martin’s Head VRPs and VFR flights are generally conducted not above 2000 ft to allow IFR traffic to transit the RMZ safely at and above 2500 feet.

IFR traffic intending to conduct a visual approach may be requested to route via the Northern Route until visual with Round Island, the northernmost island on the archipelago. Alternatively, IFR traffic intending to complete an instrument approach may route either DCT STM or outbound via the LND 236° radial for the direct arrival to fly the NDB approach for Runway 27.

Holding Procedures

APC is responsible for the following holds:

Name Axis Direction Holding Levels Leg Time
STM 271° (Runway 27)
324° (Runway 32)
LEFT hand 1500 feet - 4000 feet 1 minute
LANLO 236° RIGHT hand 1500 feet - 4000 feet 1 minute

Holding traffic is to be coordinated with Culdrose/Newquay as required.

Outbound Procedures

Traffic departing shall be asked for their requested maximum operating altitude enroute if operating VFR or requested cruise level if operating IFR.

Traffic routing to Land’s End shall be coordinated with Land’s End ADC. APC shall provide departure, destination, routing and level. Unless conducting an instrument approach (see below) traffic shall be transferred after reporting passing 17 DME LND.

Aircraft that have flight planned to join the ATS Route network or request a surveillance-based service enroute, shall be coordinated onwards with an appropriate adjacent unit. This will generally be with Culdrose Approach or Newquay Radar if routing eastbound via LND, or London AC West if routing south or Westbound. Alternatively, traffic may also request a frequency change to London Information in which case they shall be instructed to “freecall” on the next frequency.

When coordinating onward transfer, APC will pass departure, destination, requested cruise level and routing. The receiving unit will respond with an SSR code, level allocation and a heading if required. The receiving unit will inform APC when the aircraft is identified and shall provide a frequency for transfer.

RNP (GNSS) Approach Procedures

Scillies APC may be required to provide deconfliction for Land’s End inbounds but does not provide topdown cover of Land’s End ADC and, in their absence, Land’s End inbounds should be transferred to Unicom.

Land’s End has four published RNP (GNSS) approach procedures. All procedures are approved for approach category A aircraft only and are conducted procedurally. In reality the RNP approaches are restricted to Land’s End based operators (Isles of Scilly Skybus) and flights with flight priority category A through E. On VATSIM the approaches are available to any pilot requesting the procedure.

Land’s End does not have an Approach Control unit to deconflict IFR flights and the procedures below are used to deconflict flights.

During VMC, flights (including public transport flights by Skybus) will typically operate VFR – any aircraft requesting an instrument approach will be asked by Land’s End ADC if it can perform a visual approach and, if so, integrated into the visual traffic pattern.

During IMC or when a pilot specifically requests an instrument approach:

  • For flights departing IFR from St Mary’s:

    • Scillies APC will request a release from Land’s End ADC which are to be issued in 15-minute intervals except that, when the preceding aircraft has landed, a subsequent aircraft may be issued an early release

    • Scillies APC will transfer IFR inbounds to Land’s End ADC inbound to:

      • Runway 07 - 2000 ft at SIVBO

      • Runway 16 - 2500 ft at 17 DME LND

      • Runway 25 - 2500 ft at 17 DME LND

      • Runway 34 - 2500 ft at GESVI

  • For flights arriving from other aerodromes Land’s End ADC shall notify Scillies APC and:

    • Update any pending releases as required to achieve a 15-minute interval based on the inbound’s estimate for Land’s End, and
    • Confirm whether any aircraft are flying an instrument approach into St Mary’s as the approaches are not deemed separated – in the event an aircraft is conducting an approach into St Mary’s then Land’s End ADC shall coordinate and transfer control of the Land’s End inbound to Scillies APC.

When an aircraft reports commencing an instrument approach ADC shall provide the QNH and request the inbound traffic to report passing the Initial Approach Fix, Intermediate Fix and Final Approach Fix, with their altitude included in each position report. Additionally, traffic conducting an instrument approach shall be instructed to squawk code 4501. This allows for Culdrose Approach or Newquay Radar to radar monitor the aircraft conducting the approach and ADC shall notify the relevant unit when an aircraft is performing an instrument approach to obtain this radar monitoring.

Holding for RNP procedures is available and hold details are listed below:

Runway 16 (incl. Missed Approach) and Runway 07-25 (Missed Approach only)

Name Axis Direction Holding Levels Leg Time
UNBOB 159° LEFT hand 2000 feet - 4000 feet 1 minute

Runway 34 (incl. Missed Approach)

Name Axis Direction Holding Levels Leg Time
NUTMU 340° RIGHT hand 2000 feet - 4000 feet 1 minute

Holding traffic is to be coordinated with Scillies APC and Culdrose/Newquay as required.