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ADC | Scilly Isles / St Mary's (EGHE)

Taxiway/Runway Restrictions

Aircraft will be required to backtrack and use the turning pads at the ends of each runway when departing or arriving. All aircraft requesting the Main Apron will enter and exit via Taxiway A. Holding Point A must be closely monitored to avoid blocking the only entry to the Main Apron. Small aircraft such as Islanders may vacate Runway 27 and use taxiway H to reach the Main Apron if Taxiway A is blocked by another aircraft.


All stands on the Main Apron are self-manoeuvring stands and are available for commercial traffic only. General Aviation parking is at the North-East end of Runway 14-32. All GA aircraft shall be told to vacate right onto the grass and taxi to the “Grass Parking”.

IFR Departure Instructions

IFR departures will usually route DCT LND after departure, although pilots may choose to file alternative routings. Departure instructions can be given at any time from the aircraft calling for start-up, to waiting at the holding point. Departure instructions are to be delivered in the following format:


(Callsign), after departure Runway XX, left/right turn on track (initial waypoint), climb to (initial altitude).

The initial climb shall be no greater than altitude 4000 feet on St Mary’s QNH. This will ensure the aircraft remains within the vertical limits of the Land’s End RMZ until APC/ADC has coordinated further climb with adjacent units (Culdrose/Newquay).

Departure Releases

As Scillies ADC and APC operate as a combined function, departure releases are not required at St Mary’s except that IFR departures to Land’s End (EGHC) require a release from Land’s End ADC which will be issued in 15-minute intervals (early release may be provided when the preceding aircraft is confirmed to have landed). In the release, the final cruising altitude inside the Land’s End RMZ shall be specified.

Land’s End ADC will request a release from Scillies APC/ADC for IFR departures to St Mary’s (EGHE), which should also be issued in 15-minute intervals as above, with the final cruising altitude specified.

Departure Hand-off Order

Departures operating IFR shall be coordinated with an adjacent ATSU at the earliest opportunity in order to provide a continuous service to the pilot enroute.

All departures routing via the Land’s End RMZ at or below 4000 feet shall be transferred to Land’s End ADC 120.255 after reporting passing 17 DME LND.

All other departing IFR traffic shall be coordinated with adjacent ATSUs in accordance with the following sequence:

Callsign Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency (MHz)
Culdrose Approach EGDR_APP DRR 134.055
Newquay Radar EGHQ_APP HQR 133.405
AC West LON_W_CTR LW 126.080
AC Bandbox LON_CTR L 127.830


The radiotelephony callsign is "London Control" for the listed Area Control positions.