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ADC | Land's End (EGHC)

Taxiway/Runway Restrictions

Taxiways A and B are the only two established taxiways. Taxiway B is made of a grass surface and should generally only be used by GA aircraft. Commercial traffic shall enter Runway 16-34 via Taxiway A and backtrack/taxi to the departure runway.

Helicopters should be instructed to ground taxi wherever possible, however if they must air taxi, they must remain a distance of at least 3 times the diameter of their rotor from all other aircraft.

Helicopters are usually required to depart from / arrive to one of the runways, however Land’s End ADC has the discretion to allow helicopters to depart from / arrive to the HAP directly, located on the Main Apron.

Runways 02-20 and 11-29 both have a grass surface. Runway 29 (grass) is unlicensed for landing and should only be used for departures. The recommended procedure is to use an asphalt runway, either 16-34 or 07- 25.

Holding Points Y and Z are established on Runway 16-34 and 07-25 respectively. These are to allow aircraft to use the runways for taxiing while other aircraft land or depart. For example, one aircraft can backtrack Runway 25 after landing and hold at Y to allow another aircraft to depart Runway 16.


The Main Apron is reserved mainly for commercial flights operating at Land’s End. The visiting aircraft parking is located immediately west of the Main Apron and east of Runway 16-34. Overflow GA parking is available and is located east of the Runway 34 threshold.

There is one helipad on the aerodrome, located just north-west of Stand 1.

IFR Departure Clearances

IFR departures will usually route DCT LND after departure, although pilots may choose to file alternative routings. Departure instructions can be given at any time from the aircraft calling for start-up, to waiting at the holding point. Departure instructions are to be delivered in the following format:


(Callsign), after departure Runway XX, left/right turn on track (initial waypoint), climb to (initial altitude).

The initial climb for traffic routing outside the Land’s End RMZ shall be no less than altitude 3000 feet on Land’s End QNH. This will ensure the aircraft remains above the terrain safe level (2400 feet), and clear of traffic conducting RNP approaches (platform altitude 2000 feet).

Traffic routing to St Mary’s shall be coordinated with Scillies APC/ADC, in the form of a release. ADC shall provide departure, destination, routing and level. Traffic shall be transferred after reporting passing 17 DME LND.

Departure Releases

As Land’s End is situated outside controlled airspace with only an ADC controller, departure releases are not required, except that IFR departures to St Mary’s (EGHE) require a release from Scillies APC/ADC which will be issued in 15-minute intervals (early release may be provided when the preceding aircraft is confirmed to have landed). In the release, the final cruising altitude inside the Land’s End RMZ shall be specified.

Scillies APC will request a release from Land’s End ADC for IFR departures to Land’s End (EGHC), which should also be issued in 15-minute intervals as above, with the final cruising altitude specified.

Departure Hand-off Order

All departures routing via the Land’s End RMZ shall be transferred to Scillies APC/ADC 124.880 after reporting passing 17 DME LND.

All other departing IFR traffic shall be coordinated with adjacent units in accordance with the following sequence:

Callsign Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
Culdrose Approach EGDR_APP DRR 134.055
Newquay Radar EGHQ_APP HQR 133.405
AC West LON_W_CTR LW 126.080
AC Bandbox LON_CTR L 127.830


The radiotelephony callsign is "London Control" for the listed Area Control positions.

RNP (GNSS) Approach Procedures

Land’s End has four published RNP (GNSS) approach procedures. All procedures are approved for Approach Category A aircraft only and are conducted procedurally. In reality the RNP approaches are restricted to Land’s End based operators (Isles of Scilly Skybus) and flights with Flight Priority Category A through E. On VATSIM, the approaches are available to any pilot requesting the procedure.

Land’s End does not have an Approach Control unit to deconflict IFR flights and the procedures below shall be used to deconflict flights.

During VMC, flights (including public transport flights by Skybus) will typically operate VFR – any aircraft requesting an instrument approach should be asked if it can perform a visual approach and, if so, integrated into the visual traffic pattern.

During IMC or when a pilot specifically requests an instrument approach:

  • For flights departing IFR from St Mary’s:

    • Scillies APC will request a release from Land’s End ADC which are to be issued in 15-minute intervals except that, when the preceding aircraft has landed, a subsequent aircraft may be issued an early release

    • Scillies APC will transfer IFR inbounds to Land’s End ADC inbound to:

      • Runway 07 - 2000 ft at SIVBO

      • Runway 16 - 2500 ft at 17 DME LND

      • Runway 25 - 2500 ft at 17 DME LND

      • Runway 34 - 2500 ft at GESVI

  • For flights arriving from other aerodromes Land’s End ADC shall notify Scillies APC and:

    • Update any pending releases as required to achieve a 15-minute interval based on the inbound’s estimate for Land’s End, and

    • Confirm whether any aircraft are flying an instrument approach into St Mary’s as the approaches are not deemed separated – in the event an aircraft is conducting an approach into St Mary’s then Land’s End ADC shall coordinate and transfer control of the Land’s End inbound to Scillies APC.

When an aircraft reports commencing an instrument approach ADC shall provide the QNH and request the inbound traffic to report passing the Initial Approach Fix, Intermediate Fix and Final Approach Fix, with their altitude included in each position report. Additionally, traffic conducting an instrument approach shall be instructed to squawk code 4501. This allows for Culdrose Approach or Newquay Radar to radar monitor the aircraft conducting the approach and ADC shall notify the relevant unit when an aircraft is performing an instrument approach to obtain this radar monitoring.

Holding for RNP procedures is available and hold details are listed below:

Runway 16 (incl. Missed Approach) and Runway 07-25 (Missed Approach only)

Name Axis Direction Holding Levels Leg Time
UNBOB 159° LEFT hand 2000 feet - 4000 feet 1 minute

Runway 34 (incl. Missed Approach)

Name Axis Direction Holding Levels Leg Time
NUTMU 340° RIGHT hand 2000 feet - 4000 feet 1 minute

Holding traffic is to be coordinated with Scillies APC and Culdrose/Newquay as required.