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GEN | Land's End (EGHC)

ATC Positions

Callsign Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
Land's End Information EGHC_ATIS ATIS 122.830
Land's End Tower EGHC_TWR ADC 120.255


There is no Approach Control provision at Land’s End, however instrument approach procedures are established in Class G airspace. ADC shall provide a Basic Service in association with the Aerodrome Control Service but shall not provide a Procedural/Approach Control Service.


When Land's End ATC is closed, it is covered top-down in the following priority order:

Coordination Name Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
AC West LON_W_CTR LW 126.080
AC Bandbox LON_CTR L 127.830

Altimeter Setting Procedures

All arriving and departing aircraft will operate on the Land’s End QNH, including aircraft intending to remain within the visual circuit. Land’s End QFE (QNH - 14 hPa) is available on request.

The Transition Altitude within the Land’s End ATZ and in adjacent airspace is 3000 feet.

The Transition Level and the Lowest Available Flight Level are derived in accordance with MATS Part 1 Appendix A. QNH 1013 hPa is considered ‘low pressure’, in line with MATS Part 1.

Land’s End lies within the Scillies Altimeter Setting Region and aircraft requesting a Regional Pressure Setting shall be provided with the Scillies Regional Pressure.


From here on, unless otherwise specified, vertical references measured in feet are to be assumed as altitudes AMSL.

Runways and Instrument Approach Procedures

There is no preferential runway at Land’s End; the runway best suited to the current and forecast winds shall be selected when opening the position. More than one runway may be used at a time; however, controllers should be aware of the restrictions on use of the grass runways (see below).

RNP approach procedures are available for Runways 07, 16, 25 and 34 (see RNP (GNSS) Approach Procedures). There are no other published instrument approach procedures for Land’s End.

Due to terrain to the north-east of the aerodrome, the final approach course for the RNP Runway 25 is steeper than normal, at 4.5°.

VFR Procedures

Circuit direction is normally left-hand not above altitude 1400 feet on the Land’s End QNH. This may be varied at the controller’s discretion, and pilots shall be informed of the direction change in good time. Helicopters joining the circuit should normally be instructed to join the fixed-wing circuit.

Traffic transiting the ATZ or arriving at the aerodrome from the mainland should call ADC approximately 10NM from the RMZ boundary to receive airfield information and joining/transit instructions.

Land’s End has one VRP – Pendeen Lighthouse, located 4NM north of the aerodrome.

Pilots may be requested to transit the RMZ using the established Northern Route, following the LND radial 252° from LND to Round Island (the northernmost island in the archipelago) before routing onward to St Mary’s or Tresco. However, traffic operating VFR is not required to follow the Northern Route and may proceed VFR on track.

Whenever possible, Land’s End and St Mary’s ATC will allocate the following levels, with agreement of the pilot, to VFR flights:

  • St. Mary's/Tresco to Land’s End/Penzance flights - at altitude 1000 feet

  • Land’s End/Penzance to St. Mary's/Tresco flights - at altitude 1500 feet

  • Transit flights - altitude 2000 feet and above

ADC shall issue a clearance to enter/transit the RMZ. Clearances shall be delivered in the following format:


(Callsign), transit of the Land’s End RMZ approved via the Northern Route/LND radial 252 (or other routing), not above/at (altitude). Report passing 10 DME LND.

Traffic shall provide a full readback, and a position report once passing 10 DME LND.

ADC will issue a prenote to Scillies APC for all traffic, stating departure, destination, routing and level. Once the traffic has reported passing 10 DME LND, they shall be transferred to Scillies APC 124.880 for further instructions.

Traffic worked by ADC and operating outside the ATZ (including within the RMZ) shall be provided with a Basic Service.


The Land’s End ATZ is established with a 2NM radius around the aerodrome up to a height of 2000 feet AAL.

To provide additional protection to commercial air traffic operating between Land’s End and St Mary’s the Land’s End Radio Mandatory Zone (RMZ) is notified from the surface to 4000 feet (defined on the Land’s End QNH in that portion east of 10DME LND and the St Mary’s QNH in that portion west of 10DME LND – except that if only one unit is open then the relevant unit’s QNH will be used throughout the RMZ).

Alongside traffic operating to/from Land’s End St Mary’s the RMZ may also be used by transit traffic and helicopter traffic to/from Penzance Heliport and helicopters servicing the lighthouses in the area.

The controlling authority for the RMZ is:

  • Land's End ADC east of 10 DME LND – providing a Basic Service

  • Scillies APC 124.880 west of 10 DME LND – providing a Procedural Service to participating IFR flights and a Basic Service to all other traffic.

Traffic wishing to enter the RMZ must obtain a clearance from the unit appropriate to the direction of flight and is encouraged to call no later than 10NM before the RMZ boundary.

When only one position is open it shall control the entire RMZ (but shall not provide top-down ATC at the opposite airport).

For pilots requiring a surveillance-based service, or when requested by Land’s End or St Mary’s ATC, either Culdrose Approach 134.055 or Newquay Radar 133.405 / 127.930 may provide a service within the RMZ subject to satisfactory coordination with Land's End Tower and/or Scillies Approach. London Control (West) may provide this service in the absence of either Culdrose or Newquay ATC.

RMZ diagram

Land's End RMZ and Local Airspace

Local SSR Code Procedures

Traffic worked by ADC shall squawk conspicuity (2000 for IFR and 7000 for VFR) unless an adjacent unit allocates an SSR code (for example if Newquay Radar allocate a code for traffic requesting a radar service after departure).

Aircraft requesting an RNP approach procedure shall be instructed to squawk 4501. This is to allow for radar monitoring of the approach by Culdrose Approach or Newquay Radar.

Traffic departing or arriving to Penzance Heliport may be instructed to squawk the Penzance conspicuity code of 7356, for radar monitoring by Culdrose Approach or Newquay Radar.