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GEN | Belfast (EGAA & EGAC)

ATC Positions

Belfast Aldergrove (EGAA)

Callsign Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
Aldergrove Information EGAA_ATIS AA ATIS 126.130
Aldergrove Ground EGAA_GND AA GMC 121.755
Aldergrove Tower EGAA_TWR AA AIR 118.300
Aldergrove Radar EGAA_APP AA INT 133.125
Aldergrove Director EGAA_F_APP AA FIN 120.905

Belfast City (EGAC)

AA INT is responsible for top-down provision of Belfast City positions.

Callsign Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
Belfast Information EGAC_ATIS AC ATIS 124.580
Belfast Tower EGAC_TWR AC ADC 122.830
Belfast Radar EGAC_APP AC INT 130.850
Belfast Approach EGAC_A_APP AC APP 130.850

Procedural Approach

Controllers may simulate non-radar procedural approach at Belfast City by logging on as the Belfast Approach (EGAC_A_APP) position. However, the preferred position is Belfast Radar (EGAC_APP). When simulating the unavailability of radar services, AC INT must not be opened.

When operating non-radar, inbounds will be positioned to MAGEE by AA INT descending to altitude 4000 feet and cleared for a procedural approach by AC APP.


When Belfast ATC is closed, it is covered top-down in the following priority order:

Coordination Name Position Logon Controller Identifier Frequency
Antrim STC_A_CTR STA 123.775
Rathlin SCO_R_CTR SR 129.100
ScAC West SCO_W_CTR SW 132.730
ScAC West-Deancross SCO_WD_CTR SWD 133.875
ScAC Bandbox SCO_CTR S 135.530

Altimeter Setting Procedures

All arriving and departing aircraft will operate on the relevant aerodrome QNH. VFR pilots may request to operate on the aerodrome QFE when operating within the vicinity of the airfield including the visual circuit.

  • Belfast Aldergrove QFE = QNH – 10 hPa.

  • Belfast/City QFE = QNH – 1 hPa.

The Transition Altitude for the Belfast TMA is 6000 feet. Outside the Belfast TMA, the Transition Altitude is 3000 feet.

The Belfast TMA Transition Level and Minimum Flight Level are derived based on the Belfast Aldergrove (EGAA) QNH in accordance with MATS Part 1 Appendix A. QNH 1013 hPa is considered ‘low pressure’, in line with MATS Part 1.

Controllers must be aware that the bases of controlled airspace of the Strangford CTA are defined by Flight Levels below the Belfast TMA Transition Altitude. Controllers should be mindful of aircraft in this area to ensure separation is ensured and that aircraft remain 500 feet above the base of controlled airspace.


From here on, unless otherwise specified, vertical references measured in feet are to be assumed as altitudes AMSL.

Noise Abatement Procedures

Belfast Aldergrove (EGAA)

During the hours of 2200-0700 (2100-0600), all departures with MTOW greater than 5700 kg will climb on runway track to 2000 feet before commencing any turn.

Belfast City (EGAC)

Runway 04 – on passing 500 feet, turn left on track 033° and climb to the specified altitude (see below) before commencing turn.
Runway 22 – climb straight ahead to the specified altitude (see below) before commencing turn.

Specified altitude:

  • Propeller aircraft 13,000 kg or less MTOW: 1500 feet
  • Propeller aircraft greater than 13,000 kg MTOW: 2000 feet
  • All jet aircraft: 3000 feet

Runways and Instrument Procedures

Belfast Aldergrove (EGAA)

The preferential runway is Runway 25 when the tailwind component is less than 5 knots. When there is a significant crosswind component for the main Runway 07/25, aircraft may opt to use Runway 17/35.

A CAT II/III ILS is available for Runway 25 – 109.90 MHz – I-AG 247°.

A CAT I ILS is available for Runway 17 – 110.90 MHz – I-FT 164°.

Runways 07 and 35 are served by non-precision approaches and surveillance radar approaches are available to all runways. The default approach offered to pilots for Runway 07 is the RNP approach.

Belfast City (EGAC)

The preferential runway is Runway 22 when the tailwind component is less than 5 knots. Pilots may request to depart on Runway 04 to avoid backtrack or when departing to the North-East.

A CAT I ILS is available for both runways – 108.10 MHz – Runway 22 I-BFH 217° / Runway 04 I-HBD 037°.

Low Visibility Procedures

Belfast Aldergrove (EGAA)

Runway 25 is equipped for CAT III ILS operations, whereas Runway 17 is only equipped for CAT I. When the reported met visibility / IRVR falls below 800 metres, or the cloud ceiling is less than 200 feet, Low Visibility Procedures (LVP) are enforced. During LVP:

  • Conditional clearances shall not be issued.
  • Pilots shall be warned if any aircraft is taxiing ahead of them, or holding in front of them at the runway.
  • Any runway may be used, though only Runway 25 is equipped with a CAT III ILS.
  • Departing aircraft will hold at an appropriate CAT III holding point (i.e. A2, B).
  • Departing aircraft shall only be lined up if there is no inbound within 12 DME.
  • A departure must have commenced its take-off roll by the time an inbound has passed 8 DME.
  • Arrival spacing shall be increased to at least 8 NM to ensure landing clearance is issued no later than 2 NM from touchdown. To facilitate departures, 15 NM spacing is recommended.

Belfast City (EGAC)

Belfast City is not equipped for CAT II/III operations. However, to protect CAT I ILS operations, Low Visibility Procedures (LVP) are enforced when the reported horizontal visibility is less than 800 metres, or the cloud ceiling is 200 feet or less. During LVP:

  • Conditional clearances shall not be issued.
  • Only one aircraft shall manoeuvre on the apron or Taxiway A at any time.

VFR Procedures

VRP diagram

Belfast VRPs

Responsibility for the provision of UK FIS is divided along a line formed by the extended North-Western boundary of the Belfast City CTR. To the North and West of this line UK FIS is provided by AA INT and to the South and East of this line UK FIS is provided by AC INT.

Belfast Aldergrove (EGAA)

VFR circuits are not above 1500 feet QNH, variable direction subject to ATC requirements.

VFR clearances to leave the Belfast CTR are passed by AA AIR not above 2000 feet either on track to a VRP or on a general compass direction, squawking a discrete local squawk (7031-7037). VFR departures not above 2000 feet shall be prenoted to AA INT but do not require release. Traffic wishing to operate above 2000 feet or SVFR must be coordinated with AA INT. Traffic wishing to route South via the Belfast City CTR must be coordinated with AC INT by AA INT.

Inbound VFR traffic should typically be cleared into the CTR not above 2000 feet and notified to AA AIR. Traffic familiar with the local area should be instructed to route via the town of Antrim (from the North) or Nutt’s Corner (South-East) to orbit/hold prior to transfer. However, as many pilots will not be familiar and these points are not published VRPs, additional clarification is encouraged on VATSIM to prevent traffic proceeding towards the aerodrome:


GABCD, cleared to enter the Belfast Control Zone, VFR, not above altitude 2000 feet. Route to Antrim to hold, remain 3 NM north of the aerodrome.

Belfast City (EGAC)

VFR circuits are not above 1500 feet QNH to the south.

  • Runway 04 – Right Hand.

  • Runway 22 – Left Hand.

VFR clearances are obtained from AC INT. For aircraft requesting to operate within the Belfast TMA or to route North via the Belfast CTR, additional clearance must be obtained from AA INT. It is the responsibility of AC INT to coordinate and relay any relevant instructions to AC ADC.

Local SSR Code Procedures

Circuit traffic shall squawk 7010.

Belfast Aldergrove (EGAA)

Mode A Code(s) Allocation
7030-7047 Belfast Aldergrove
7030 Conspicuity code for Unidentified VFR traffic receiving a Basic Service
7031-7037 Departing (S)VFR traffic - allocated by AA AIR
7045 Belfast Aldergrove frequency monitoring code - listening watch on 133.125 (AA INT)
7046, 7047 Local IFR traffic

Belfast City (EGAC)

Mode A Code(s) Allocation
4250-4257 Belfast City
4255 Belfast City frequency monitoring code - listening watch on 130.850 (AC INT)